New Girl

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***I do not own any of these characters, except Aara. Every other character is purely of J.K. Rowling's creation. Hope I don't offend anyone with the story, seeing that there are so many "stories" gathering around the Marauders, this is mine... I hope you like it.*** Disclaimer: I'm really new at this so stick with me, please. Thanks :)

I first saw her getting on the train. I had just come through the door with my best friend James only to turn and see a glimpse of this beautiful brown haired girl getting into the train. It felt like someone hit my legs out from underneath me and took the breath from my lungs. It took me a minute to realize that I had fallen and only James was holding me up. "Sorry, mate," I stated getting up and brushing myself off, not that I cared about my appearance but I needed something to do before I one, fell again thinking about mystery girl, or two, ran after her. James smirked at me before turning to look back at the train, almost immediately his face dropped. Snape, Severus Snape, was helping Lily Evans into the train. James had the biggest crush on Evans as possible which made him despise Snape, not that we all didn't, but James, well, he had it bad. Any little thing Snape did instantly made him a target. Why? Well, it was pretty obvious that Snape liked Evans and Evans felt something close to Snape. She never even paid attention to any other guy when Snape was in the room; he fully had her attention. Over the summer James was just going on about how Snape had joined these people who believed that muggle-borns were supposed to die and that his choice of friends had drove a wedge through them. This year he actually thought he was going to get somewhere with her, now maybe not. I tugged at his arm. "James, come on," I stated seeing Remus and Peter by the train away from us. James eagerly went with me, trudging up the stairs into the train behind me, and following me into the compartment that housed our friends. "Moony!" I cried in delight, hugging my friend tightly. We had not talked much over summer and seeing him again now filled me with much joy. Remus laughed softly hugging me back. 

"Long time, Padfoot," Remus stated letting go and pushing back, "Dear god, James! You don't look good at all," 

"Saw Snape with Evans, all of his plans are ruined at the moment," I stated earning me a glare from James. 

"She has a name, Sirius," he hissed, I shrugged looking out the window into the aisle. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Remus hand James a piece of chocolate, the master magic of depression. 

"Oh hello, Lily," I stated cheerfully as the door of our compartment opened. James froze suddenly rigid. 

"Hello, Sirius," the girl replied looking around the compartment, "Do you mind if two joined?" 

"No offense Evans, but I really don't want to spend the trip with old Snivellus," I replied. Lily glared at me. 

"Offense taken, besides he isn't with me," she replied, opening the door the whole way and walking in, followed by... my mystery girl. Lucky for me mystery girl was forced to sit next to me. 

"This is definitely not Snivellus," I muttered, looking up at Remus. 

"Have any more?" James asked, making Remus smirk, but he handed James another piece. I looked over at mystery girl, then back at Remus. 

"Can I have a piece too? Seems like this ride is going to be a long one," Remus shook his head, handing out another piece of his magic.

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