A New Year, and a Past Renewed pt.1

Start from the beginning

"Hey, what is this? You guys!" They were hugging me so gently but, for some reason, I still felt the need to struggle.

"We're gonna tease you two times as much as last year, Ha-ru-hi."

As they whispered the last part in my ear I quickly wiggled myself from between the two harassers.

"Well then must be off to class. Bye now." Then I zoomed towards the door. Then they started walking rapidly towards me.

"Haruhi! Don't run away!" Said Kaoru

"We're in the same class so even if she runs away from us we'll have fun with her later." Hikaru says as he walked towards our classroom.

Kaoru slows down but I continue to the classroom. I come to an immediate stop once I get to the classroom.


After I catch my breath, I walk inside the classroom. I close the door behind me in of fear of the twins.

I immediately hear whispers among the girls and boys in the classroom. I turned around to see if it was because I entered the room. But everyone was looking at the girl that ran past me this morning.

"She's so pretty"
"Who is she"
"Is she foreign?"
"Her skin looks like milk chocolate"
"She's tall, you think she's a model"
"Must be"

I see her turn around at the sound of whispering. She looked at the girls and smiled beautifully then gave a little wave.

The girls and guys giggle and/or blush at her simple yet graceful movements.

Then I hear Hikaru and Koaru walk close by and rush over to my seat. There was suddenly a group of chatty girls around me. Looks like I got more popular after the spring festival.

"It's Haruhi!!!!"

"He's so cool."

"He's taller."

"He grew his hair too."

"That's so hot."

Yeah I grew my hair, but only because the guys were annoying me about it last year.

I'm taller because I had a growth spurt over the summer. It was annoying because I had to buy a whole new closet of clothes from the thrift store.

My dad and I had to eat microwavable ramen for dinner for two weeks straight because it was so expensive.

I look behind me to look at the new girl but it looks like she went back to looking outside after the girls started to pay attention to me. I wonder what's on her mind.

"Look it's Hikaru and Kaoru!"

The girls shifted from my side of the room to the door where Hikaru and Kaoru had just entered.


"Hi Hikaru!"
"Hi Kaoru!"

"Hi lovely ladies." We both said together.

It was amazing how the girls in our class crowded us. I got kind of nervous because it was so sudden.

"We've missed you." Kaoru said.

There goes Kaoru always one step ahead of me. But I can't let him win over all of them.

"It was getting kind of unbearable," I said as I grabbed one of the girls by the arm and dragged her closer to me.

"Not seeing your wonderful face."
I added a wink for good measure after I finished my statement.

The girls shrieked as if they're life depended on it. My ears were left ringing at the end but I could still here what was going on around me.

"So save it for the club eh, Hikaru? Yeah how's that working out for you?" Kaoru said.

I sticked out my tongue at my annoying brother. He winked at me in return.

I looked over the crowd of girls and saw Haruhi. She saw me too and slouched in her chair. It would be cuter if she had a girl's uniform. But then again it's for the best.

I don't want any other guy to feel the same as I do for her.

"Haruhi.." I said as swiveled through the crowd with ease and to her desk. I bent down to reach her earlobe as I whispered slutfully in her ear.

"I. See. You." I said before I blew in her ear. Her face instantly turned red as she jumped from her chair and hit her head on the desk in the process. It took everything in me not to laugh. But my brother ,who had no soul, laughed at her anyways. The girl behind her even chuckled a bit before staring off into space again.

"It's not funny!" She exclaimed with her ears still pink from embarrassment. But Kaoru just kept on laughing and sun joined in.

And for the first time since I got in the room, the girl behind her turned around to say something.

"Well that's no way treat a lady."

It was so quick and so quiet that it could have easily been missed. But I knew that Kaoru, Haruhi, and I heard what she said because we all had the same look on our faces.

We were terrified. She noticed.

She knew our secret.

Was she going to tell anybody, threaten us to give her whatever she wanted so she went spill it, was she find her own business?

I wanted to know but before any of us could say anything the bell rang and reached signaled for us to sit in our seats with the pondering questions we had for the new girl.


I didn't know what to do. My body froze and my eyes were widened to the point my eyes started to tear up from the dryness.

How did she know? How did she figure it out so quickly? We haven't even had a full conversation and she figured it out in the few minutes that she's been here. My hands started to shake in my lap as I tried to think of a way out of my current situation. But before I could say anything the bell rang and it was class time.

I still want fully calmed down but I wanted to get my mind of the subject so I took my focus over to what the teacher was saying. I'm not one to procrastinate but I do want to get good grades as I do every year. Having this on my mind would haunt me and my GPA.

The teacher was welcoming the students to his classroom. Some new some old. I wasn't really interested in it but there was one name that I was interested in.

"Shizakune Kai, please come forward." The name sounded familiar but I was interrupted from my thoughts as the girl behind me stood and walked to the front to introduce herself. I looked to th sides of me and saw the twins glaring at her. It looks like they're thinking about what happened as well.

She walked with confidence through the rows of desk and stood up straight and tall when she got to the front of the room.

"Hello my name is Shizakune Kai..."
Then right when she said her name, I remembered who she was.

She was my best friend during middleschool. We did everything together expect for when she had to go to America to look after her mom. We promised to go to the same highschool and now she's here. I was so happy overjoyed even. So much in fact that I jumped out of my seat and said her name so loud that the whole hallway must have heard it.

"Kai chan!!!!" I yelled. But then I felt my face heat up as I had realized what I had done. There were whispers from the guys and surprised looks from the girls. I looked up to see Kai looking at me in shock. Then I thought that she might have not been that same Kai.
I looked down at my desk and started to sit down but before I could I heard a loud voice from the other side of the room.

"Haru chan!!!!!" She said making my eyes widen with excitement. Then we both stayed laughing together.

Now I know why she knew.


Ok guys I know that I know that you know that I know that I haven't been posting lately. I did take a break from wattpad. but then once i got back on I saw how fun it was to read and to write on this free spirited site so i will be posting more often. Yaaaaaaaaay.
BluProv will give you the next update soon.

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