Chapter 9- Confidents

Start from the beginning

     Tonight my nerves were going every which way. I knew that I only had a week left till the ball. The Queen is set on finding a groom for her.  But little did mother know, I have already found John, who I think I might actually be fall for.  The true test, on whether or not it is true love, is when I have to admit that I am no mere Ella but Princess Isabella.

    I pondered this as I went to father’s room. These meetings were becoming a regular routine so no one questioned why the Princess escaped from dinner so early. When I reached the room I found nurses running in and out. The women looked frazzled and nervous with the hair tucked out of place and there dresses flying side to side as they scurry about. My mind went into panic mode already fearing the worse. I hurried into the room and found father laying in his bed with a leg propped up on a pillow and sweat running down his old, hollowed face. He tried to gave me a smile but failed as he broke out in a series of coughs that rattle his chest.

     I ran past the nurses to kneel in front of father. I could feel the tears pricking the rim of my golden flakes eyes. He looked so old and sick. I swear if I had not seen my father before he was sick I would have called anyone a liar if they told me this was my father. I waited till his fit of coughs were over before I spoke in a frantic voice, “Father what is the matter? What has happened?”

    Once again he tried to smile “Nothing my dear, I am fine.”

      He was lying I could tell, “Truly you are fine?”

    He looked at me but avoided my eyes when he said “Yes daughter, truly.”

    My eyes narrowed at his lying father. When one of the nurses passed by, I grabbed her wrist without tearing my gaze away from father’s hollow face, “What has happened to make my father lie to me about his health?”

     The nurse bowed as best she could with her one arm still in my locked grip. She was nervous as I heard her speak, “H-he is not well P-princess. His Majesty tried to get out of bed but fell. It may have... affected his health.” Her voice was shaky and scared.

      I let go of the grip lock I had on the nurse to cross my arms in front of my chest. I raised an eyebrow and waited for him to explain. He rolled his eyes and let out a tired sigh. He turned his shaggy face toward me, “Why do I even try? You are so much like you mother.” Me like her. No way.  I dropped my jaw to protest but she I cut off by father “Do not lie to me and tell me you are nothing like her. Remember Isabella I watched you grow up. Both of you are smart and  have a rebellious attitude." I let out a laugh at the last part. My mother rebellious? Never! He ignored my out burst and  proceeded “Yes I know hard to believe now but she was. I remember when there was talk of our matrimony. I was luck to be marrying your mother but she didn’t feel the same way. I think she loved someone else but she never would admit that to me. Her father had to practically drag her to my palace. Slowly however I won her over. I suppose you could call it lucky that we both fell madly in love. My parents had no say in the matter of their marriage either. Just like you mother and I, they were forced to marry. I have never seen them touch each other or even say a loving word. That is why my dear I approve of this John. If he loves you and treats you like a queen, that’s all that matters.”

     I listened closely to father’s story. It was one that I had never heard before but I was glad I heard it now at least. To tell the truth I didn’t really believe that father accepted my to marry someone of lower class even though he already said it was ok. After these thought passed through my mind I snapped back into focus “Thank you father. That was a very lovely story but you did not succeed.”

      He pulled his think white eyebrows down in a V. “What ever do you mean my dear?” He tried to keep a serious face but I could see the smile dancing across his lips.

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