Memories from Katherine's Childhood

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Memories from Katherine's Childhood (Prequel to 'I Solemnly Swear' events)

Four Months Old

"Stephen! Her breathing is slowing down!" (E)

The young mother was frantically pacing the room with her four month old daughter in her arms as she waited for the doctor to arrive. The child had been born healthily enough but the new parents realized too late how she was becoming weaker and sicker with every passing month. They knew not the reason for their child's illness, but had realized as she had started to weakly cry tonight that something was wrong.

Tears fell from the young witch as she watched her child suffer from some unknown malady, just as her husband came rushing into the room with the doctor on his heels. The doctor began to ask a series of questions about the young babe as he took her gently out of her mother's arms. It wasn't until he shined a light into the girl's eyes that they all saw how they were not the girl's usual blue, but were instead silver in color even as she seemed unresponsive to the bright light being shone in her eyes.

"Have her eyes always been this color or just recently?" (Doc)

"No, her eyes are blue. We......we've never noticed a change in them before now doctor." (S)

"Hmmm, I see. I have a few tests that I need to run, but they will have to be done at the hospital after we have stabilized her. Come with me now." (Doc)

As the new parents followed the doctor back to the living room and into the chimney with their little daughter still in his arms, their fears only seeming to amplify. Once they arrived at the hospital a nurse and a second doctor, or healer as they were sometimes called, met with the first. The little girl was taken away and the parents were left to wait for the results. Hours went by as the parents paced the floor of the waiting room and leaned on each other for support. It wasn't until the darkness of the night time sky was beginning to fade into daylight that the doctor came back.

"Dr. is our baby girl?" (S)

"I cannot lie. The results were unusual. Mrs. Harrison, I must ask you some questions about the event that took place while you were carrying Katherine in the womb." (Doc)

Elizabeth felt herself pale as she remembered the night that had almost cost both herself and her unborn daughter their lives. Knowing that could be the only even that he was speaking of. Without a word being spoken her husband held her tighter in his arms as she looked back at the man in front of her, hoping that whatever information she could give him would help her daughter now.

"You mean...the....the vampire attack?" (E)

"Yes, that's exactly what I mean. Since that night, have you been affected by in any way or form?"

She thought about the question, knowing that she had been affected by it in many ways. Nightmares playing the scene of the vampire approaching her, asking for directions with a sly smile on his face. His dry echoing laugh as he pulled her closer to him, her screaming dying out as he plunged his fangs into her neck and covered her mouth with his hand. It was only by chance alone that Stephen had come home early that night and stopped him before both she and Katherine were harmed. Perhaps more than fate and chance combined when the attack left her virtually unharmed physically, except for a small scar on her neck from his fangs.

She couldn't help but shake her head no though as she thought of all of this, knowing that nightmares were not what the doctor was asking about in terms of being affected. Katherine had been given the routine health scan when she was born as well and everything had been reported as normal by the mediwitch that had done the scan for both herself and her daughter.

Memories from Katherine's Childhood (Prequel to 'I Solemnly Swear')Where stories live. Discover now