Chapter 2

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   I walk out the door and decide not to go home yet. I couldn't possibly get in anymore trouble. I go to a little restaraunt on the corner of the street. No one really goes there anymore, it's pretty run down. I go there because I had some great childhood memories there. I actually knew my dad, loved the people there, and had the best drink every. A strawberry milkshake with M&M's spread all over the top.

   I dodge the memorie knowing that I will tear up. I shake my head and walk inside. " Hi darlin', how are you doing?" I hear Ronda say. Ronda was one of my dad's friends. They both looked out for each other and I respected that. 

   I take a seat at a bar stool and grab a menu. I didn't really need one though because I already knew what I wanted. The same as always: pancakes with two pads of butter, hashbrowns, and a tall glass of orange juice. 

   They ring the bell and I go over to the door and grab the plate. I go back over to where I was sitting and find my seat being occupied by a man with a scruffy beard. He seemed to be homeless.

   I  ingore it and go sit at a booth on the very far side. Then, I here a loud screech and the door flies open. It's the teens from the party. Great. They come in and yell my name " SAVANNAH!!!!" " What do you want Victor?" Victor is my X and he is kind of the leader of the big group. I was in the group too, except I wasn't drunk all the time like they were. They go in through the door that enters into the kitchen, they grab as much food as they can and run out giggling. Nothing about that was funny. I hated to see people here because this place was a part of my life. 

   I run to the kitchen and see if everyone is okay. I help them clean the plates off the floor. In the process, I find a note. It is extremely hard to read but I manage. It read this: Savannah... Savannah...Savannah. I knew that there was more writing in between that but I couldn't read it and I was determined to find out.


Hey Guys, so this story will be updated almost every day. And yeah. So vote, comment, and add to favorites. <3 Bye 

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