Prologue (Edited)

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21 years ago

He stared out into space, longing and upset. He was tired, tired of being alone while the other Gods and Goddesses had someone to love and cherish, even though Artemis decided to stay single and lead her followers that had chosen chastity.

Thanatos, the God of Death, huffed and moved a hand through his black hair. He was annoyed, more annoyed than he had ever been in his entire life of being. He had been promised that a wife was in his future by the Fates, but they had never came, never gave him the news that she was here nor born.

And so, as time grew on, Thanatos grew lonely and grew annoyed with everyone. He grew jealous of the love that both Persephone and Hades shared and made sure that he was never around them.

He became distant to the other Gods and Goddess, not really hanging out with them. He never left his part of the castle that he shared with Hades and Persephone. And, unlike other guys, he didn't go up to the Upper World to look at women but only did his job.

"Such a sad God," someone said, causing Thanatos to lift his head. "All alone with no one to warm his lonely bed or heart."

"Who's there?" Thanatos asked, his voice gruff with the lack of use. His dark brown, almost black eyes flickered through the darkness of his throne room, trying to spy the intruder.

Three humorless chuckles filled the air while three people, the Fates, appeared in front of him. "Thanatos, God of Death," one of the three Fates said.

"It is nice to see you again," another said.

"Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos," Thanatos said. He placed his arm on his throne and placed his face on his arm. "What can I do for you?"

"Your Beloved has been born," Clotho said.

"She will have a rough time living," Lachesis added.

"And, she will have an untimely death," Atropos added as well.

"Be careful as to what you say and do. Do not let the darkness consume you," Clotho said.

"And, get to know her before you make any assumptions," Atropos said.

With those words, the three Fates left the God to his thoughts.

Thanatos sighed and shook his head. "Untimely death?" he asked, knowing that no one will answer. "Who will kill her?"  

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