Chapter 1

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I just arrived at homeroom the sight in front of me is no surprise my best friend Diana Grey, talking, more like avoiding my all time crush, Gregory Thomas, while her twin brother, also my bff, Deonte Grey, stands there watching in amusement, now you maybe wondering, 'so what?!' Well let me tell you what, I have had thee hugest crush on Greg since like the third grade and now we're in the 10th grade and I still haven't told him yet, still wondering how this is relevant? Let me tell you how it's relevant, my all time crush, is crushing on my bff but she knows I like him so she ignores him and all that but it still hurts knowing that he pays so much attention to her and he doesn't even know I exist I mean listen,

"Hey guys"

"Hey ma bestie" said Diana

"Hey flutter" that was Deonte, nickname is a long story.

"Hey Suzie" that was were my heart drops because that's not my name and that was Greg.

"It's Santana you dipstick" Diana chastised, knowing how much it hurt me.

"Yea, yea whatever" he said waving me off "So what do you say diana, you, me Friday night the only thing between us is a bucket of popcorn?"

"I say I'll  take your popcorn and... wait....Never gonna happen!!" she said bluntly.

"So Saturday?"

"Oh chiz, when will homeroom end??"

Just as she said that the bell rang

"Saved by the bell" she said exasperatedly "See ya later Thomas, Tana, Tae you guys coming"

"Remember we both have physics you have Literature"

"Crap, I forgot, I'll be all alone, traitors"

"Don't worry I'll be there, my bronze skinned beauty" that was Greg.

"So not only am I alone, but I'm alone with this idiot" Diana said sighing "Great!!"

Laughing Tae (Deonte) and I headed for physics,

"One day she's just gonna snap and kill him you know" Deonte said jokingly

"Yea and the when she is going to jail we'll be locked up to for association"

"Yup" he said popping the 'p' "just give her a couple more months"

"More like weeks"


"In other news guess who got 85% on their bio test because a certain best friend help them" I said grinning as I took out the paper to show him.

"Hmm is it Suzie?"

"Not cool dude" I said frownjng slightly at the incident this morning "its me, Santana, thanks for helping me by the way"

"No problem, flutter, I'm always here for you" he said smiling his cute little dimply smile. He was about to say something else but we had just arrived at physics so we had to go to our separate seats.



New book, Need feedback, tell me what you think of the plot line so far. If you wanna help with the cover that'd be banging.

Ummm I want:
At least till next chapter, thanks lovlies

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