Chapter 11

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Calypso was laying in her bed, reading a book Annabeth had given her. The book was confusing. Annabeth had told her that it would be kind of hard to read. It was written in 'Queen's English'. Whatever that meant.

She was in the middle of trying to decipher a word, when Leo came in and knocked on the doorframe.

She was happy to see him - not that she'd admit it to him...ever. They had been spending a lot of time together, but she wanted him around more - also something that she'd never admit to him...ever.

"Hey," he greeted.

"Hey," she said. It was her first time saying, 'hey'. It felt strange to say.

Leo didn't flash her his usual grin or smirk that annoyed Calypso so much, she couldn't stand it. She loved his usual grin and smirk.

He ran a hand through his messy dark hair. His other hand was stuffed into his pocket. He wasn't fiddling with anything. He usually was.

He said, "Today is our last day until we are at camp. I figured it might be nice to have a plan."

"A plan?"

"Yeah, you know. Like, what happens after we get to camp."

"Oh," she said, a little disappointed. "Yes, we should make a plan."

He nodded towards the door. "I want to show you something."

Calypso took the blanket off of her and stood. She had decide to wear jeans and a white T-shirt. She had not worn them in a while and missed how comfortable they were.

Calypso caught Leo's eyes lingering on her for and extra moment than necessary. She smiled smugly to herself.

"You're wearing jeans," Leo noted.

"Really?" she asked, sarcastically.

Leo's smirk came to his face. "You're starting to pick up on some sass, aren't you? You've been around Percy too much."

"I don't think he's very sassy."

Leo nodded as they walked down the hall. "He's as sassy as it gets."


Leo led her into a dark room. He flipped a switch and Calypso saw a desk with a weird round thing on it, maps, and books.

"What is this?" she asked, holding up the sphere.

"A globe. It's like a model of the world."


"So," he said, "I thought that we could pick a place to go to."

Calypso was kind of confused. "To live?"

"Well," he said, jamming his hands into his pockets, "you said you wanted to see the world and you'll have to start somewhere..."

"Alright, so how do we pick?" Calypso let the word 'we' out.

"I'll spin the globe and where you point to, will be the first place w-you go to."

"Alright. Sounds good."

"Okay, close your eyes," he told her and she did. She felt him take her hand and hold it out towards the globe.

"It's spinning. Go ahead and put your finger down whenever you want."

Calypso waited a second, then stretched her hand out until it hit the earth.

She opened her eyes. She didn't know where her finger was so she looked to Leo for help.

"Canada," he said.

"Is Canada a good place?"

"Yeah, it's pretty. You'll like it."

"Will you like it?" she asked, without meaning to. "I mean, are you coming with me?"

Leo gave a small smile. Something was bothering him. "If you want me to."

"I don't think I'd do very well on my own."

Leo rolled his eyes. "Well, I wouldn't just let you go off into Canada alone. I was thinking more along the lines of you meeting someone at camp and wanting to travel with them instead of me."

"Oh..." she faltered, feeling stupid. "I don't think I'll meet anyone else."

Leo had changed a lot since before the war. He still was a little awkward, but there was a pinch more of confidence behind his eyes. He was still skinny, but he was not as skimpy. It might have been Calypso seeing things, but she thought that his teeth looked a little whiter and brighter.

All of a sudden Calypso realized that her hand was on the side of Leo's face. What was she doing?

She pretended like she was wiping something off of his cheek. "You have food on your fa-"

The door opened and Frank stepped in. "Hey, I was wondering if-"

All in one moment, Frank looked up, Leo ordered, "Not now, Frank.", and Calypso dropped her hand.

"Oh, gods. Sorry. I should've looked or something," Frank apologized and left.

Leo gave a bitter laugh and sat down. He ran a hand through his hair. "That guy needs to stay in his room."

Calypso gave a laugh at that.

Leo looked at her for a moment. She could see the wheels turning in his head.

He finally said, "We could pick a place to open our shop."

Calypso raised an eyebrow. "You are serious about that?"

"Well, I am, but I certainly can't sing or make tea, so I'm going to need you to help."

Calypso's heart jumped. "Oh? What if I don't agree to this?"

Leo gave a small smirk. "Looks like the fate of this repair shop is in your hands."

Calypso looked at him for a moment. She took the globe and gave it a spin. She held the spinning ball out to Leo. "Your turn."

He closed his eyes and placed his finger on the globe.

He landed right in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean. He smiled. "Looks like this shop will be on an island."

Calypso laughed at the irony.


Ha ha. ironic.

okay guys lemme know what I can be doing better, okay? I want to improve in my writing!

Thanks for all of the support!

If you have an instagram or tumblr, follow me @hermesdelivery  !

 I hope everyone's Thanksgivings were fabulous!

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