Step Right Up!

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Part 1 of 5

    She hung there, helplessly by her strings waiting for her turn to perform.  She smirked as she watched passerby's look at her with utter curiosity.  Trying not to move until her strings were pulled she couldn't help but blink when she needed to, or scrunch her face when the wind tickled her nose.  A little boy saw her move, and while she enjoyed the creepy act she was told by the Puppet Master that she mustn't give too much away.
    Tonight the Puppet Master had chosen a gothic ballerina theme.  He'd dressed Jordanna in a red and black tutu with striped stockings and black satin ballet slippers.  Hearing the heavy footsteps behind the curtain she knew it was time.  Hanging as limp as possible, the Puppet Master's voice boomed from overhead; drawing a crowd with his roused introduction. Her strings started to mover her about.  While it was the master that manipulated her motions it was her job to make the movements as graceful or jarring as possible, depending on the act.
    Her arm raised and bent slightly over her head while the other arm crossed in front of her frame. She was lifted onto her tip-toes and she bowed her head.  The eerie music started and when she was given her queue she Pliéd... bending her knees and raising up again onto her toes, then started a succession of slow, soft, lyrical and continuous movements.  Her master moved her in a series of twirls, and jumps.  She was in tuned with the puppeteer's tugs and pulls on her strings and she made sure that when he lifted her up to spin, she timed it perfectly so that the ropes didn't get tangled.  She lived to please her master.  After all, he was the one that gave her life and placed it in this shell of a doll. He had made her as humanlike as possible. Rumors and whispers about the puppet master followed them where ever their act took them; that he had sick infatuations with his marionette and could often be heard talking to her in ways in which one would think she was real.
    If her performance went as expected, the puppet master would comb her hair and whisper sweet nothings in her ear; maybe even let her sleep in his bed. She wasn't allowed much, so whatever rewards she was given, she'd take happily.  She adored him. Anything he wanted her to do, she would happily oblige.  Her obsession with him was almost as creepy as his was with her and she'd never let anything or anyone get in the way of that. So far the act was going better than expected.  The crowd was entertained and amazed by the performance.  She was doing exactly as she had been told and moved exactly how her master maneuvered her.  He was very strict when it came to the show. Always saying how her performance was a reflection on him, and he never liked to look the fool.  If she had a missed step or if the strings got tangled, whether it was her fault or not, she'd be punished.
    A few more leaps and the show would be over.  She really wanted to impress the crowd, and the Puppet Master. She became a little over zealous and decided to do a spectacular series of Pirouettes, but with her need to impress clouding her mind she carelessly forgot that she cannot do whatever she wanted on stage because the master wouldn't know what to do.  She spun and spun around in beautiful large circles, however the wires and strings were knotting together and gathering from her ankles and wrists, all the way up to the wooden manipulator in the master's hands.  She tangled her feet and arms in a distorted mess, and when her ballet slippers got snagged she fell forward and nearly brought the Puppet Master down with her; thus ending the show. He was furious with her, and she would be spending the next few nights in the box.   ...continue to part 2 (copy/paste in YouTube for the creepy music)
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