Le Français

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“C'est faux. Cela est faux et vous le savez.” Lucas said as he paced around the armory, which was stocked full of gear and weapons. He held up the picture of Monique up to Naomi’s eye level. “Nous ne savons même elle!”

“Et que voulez-vous que je fasse?!” Naomi said, raising her voice,”l a été sa décision de rejoindre les lambeaux et elle doit subir les conséquences!”

“Et si elle n'a pas le choix ? ! ? Vous auriez encore la condamner à mort et pire encore ?!” Lucas yelled.

“nous L'enfers ne se soucient pas si elle était leur choix ou quelqu'un d'autre ! Nous obtenons le travail!” Naomi screamed, now standing in front of Lucas as he paces.

“Pourquoi ne pas vous suffit de suivre les directions et faire comme on vous demande ?!?!’

Lucas yelled some obscene words and stormed out of the armory, running into his servant, Sadie.

“Est tout ce monsieur bien?” She asked, following down the hall with Lucas as he headed to his room.

“Non, tout est pas correct.” Lucas said as he entered his room.

    Lucas’ room was huge and open, which would be good if there was anything to fill the space. All the room had to offer was a king sized bed with blue sheets and a portrait that hung over the mantle of the bed. The portrait was of a woman with rings and a halo around her head raising her arms to a bright light. An Angel. Le L’ange.

Lucas entered and immediately headed for the bathroom off to the right. He slammed the door shut and looked deep into the mirror.

Je ne suis pas tueur. He thought, staring at himself, Je ne vais pas laisser la mère tuer cette fille.

Pourquoi ne pas vous tuer cette fille? His other mind thought, Comment voulez-vous même la sauver ?

J'ai un plan, His mind said, Un grand plan

“Monsieur Sauveur ?” Sadie knocked on the bathroom door,”As-tu besoin de quelque chose?”

“Oui,” Lucas said, “Papier et stylos.”

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