Alpha's Blood & the Veil

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'The SHIELDs have got the Alpha's blood!' – The angel queen: Choralin said, without any expression on her beautify, long, light skinned face. The host of other angels looked impatiently and perturbed. They knew what it means even without further explanation.

'We must get it from then at all cost,' Saralin, one of the senior angels in the host said indignantly.

'Saralin you are right, it's our duty to protect earth and see that the veil is not torn.' Replied the queen.

'The vampires are demons we can't stand against them, not with this number. I humbly suggest we return to heaven and seek for more angels to the fight.' Onliphin said, half trembling and half standing.

'Quiet Onliphin!' Saralin reprimanded, 'where has thou kept thy faith?' we must do all we can to stop those viscous beasts from opening the veil and endangering the world by releasing legions of their kind.'

'Go! Angels, and win the battle.' To Saralin she said almost silently into his left ear, holding him still with both her hands, 'make sure you get the Alpha's blood.' 'Even if it will cost me my eternity, I will get you the blood, mother superior,' – Saralin replied bending down on one knee and his big white wings lowered to show his utmost respect and loyalty.

All the angels took to their wings, the seraphim singing the war song as the fighting host dashed out for battle. Flap flap flap, they flew, fast and elegant. Onliphin was at the rare, he so hates battles.

At the vampires doom, all the whole pack stood outside. With their fangs long and ready to kill. It was as if they were expecting the angels already.

'Ready for battle angels! Fight with dignity and face death when it comes that thou may see thy lord with pride!' - Saralin said, it was the norm that the host leader should say those words before battle. Onliphin wished Saralin had not said those words, the 'death factor' in his lines made him more scared. 'Heaven save me' he said, with his eyes rolling up.

Fighting began in earnest, the angels sliced unlucky vampires with their blessed swords while the angels not swift enough got bitten by angry vampires.

After hours of dogged strive that seemed like centuries, the angels won the battle. Just as Saralin was about to grab the Alpha's blood in his hand and join the other angels, he got bitten buy the Sherrif alpha.

The Sherrif alpha is the second in command ofthe vampires after the Alpha, her bite casts an angel into centuries of agony. Astate worse than death. Only the blood of the alpha can cure her bite. 

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