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A harsh scream from a young woman echoed through the dull white building. Most people stopped for but a moment, before continuing on their ways. They knew that sound. Everyone did. It was the sound of a young mother finding out that the Agents would be there soon, possibly to take away her child.

Some felt pity for the young woman, others ducked their heads and tried to pretend they never heard anything. Most, however, ignored it. The average person understood why the Agents were so important, and couldn't even begin to understand a world without them.

They brought peace, controlled the population, and destroyed all bad people before they had a chance to become criminals. It was the way of life that they, their parents, even their great grandparents knew, and never fought. They had lived in prosperity for almost six hundred years after four World War's almost destroyed the planet.

Everyone was thankful that the One Nation was the only power in the world, as even though the livable land was separated into twenty six sectors, it was impossible for a nation to go into war or famine without the One Nation bearing down on them. No one wanted to fight against the power of the One Nation.

That said, everyone understood that the Future Picture being done at birth was for the best. That was the only thing that kept their children innocent, and got rid of all problems before they had a chance to become murders, rapists, or worse.

Why would they? Sure, it was a terrifying decision to have a child, not knowing if they would live more than a few hours before being slaughtered by the Agents, but it was necessary. It was for the good of not only the society as a whole, but for the child. It was better for the children to be dealt with before they became monsters than risking them hurting someone else.

It also made things safer for the population as a whole. Some people grew up to kill, rape, abuse, assault, or worse to others. This way, their victims would never be hurt. It was a good thing, even if it made it more difficult for the few couples with clearance to have children to actually decide that this was something that they truly wanted.

Ninety percent of all of the children born were fine, good, healthy children with futures as bright as the stars, but occasionally, there were others. The thought of allowing a child to grow up in a home where the parents would know what that child would end up doing, and still expect them to change and become productive members of society was simply moronic.

Once you found out something like that about someone, it was impossible to look at them as you may have before you found out. Thus why most parents refused to hold their children before a government worker, called an Agent, came to read the child.

Agents reported straight to the Council, a group of twenty six individuals that each kept an eye on one section. The Council was on the top of the One Nation, followed by their second's, then their chosen Enforcer. After that, it was the Governor's, the Agents, the Guards who worked in the Rehabilitation Centers that the children were sent to, then the normal civilians.

Most of the people were alright with the way things were. Most of them wouldn't be able to deal with the stress that those above them had to. Thankfully, all of those who were above the regular civilians were separated and sent to other camps where they could learn what they needed to from those that came before them. They, unlike the criminals, weren't taken away at birth. Oh no, they spent the first eight years with their families, before spending the next thirteen years learning.

They became adults at twenty- one, just like everyone else, and they had their strengths and their weaknesses just as everyone else did.

It was really thanks to the Agent's and all their hard work that everything ran as smoothly as it did. Not only were they the ones who were burdened with the destinies of others, but they were the ones who had to deal with the results of the children who would commit a crime.

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