Danger Rising

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Emma POV

I was doubled over in pain. While my stomach throbbed with pain, I saw a night neon green glow and realized my haoir was glowing bright green. What the hck? THis all seems so...familiar in a way.

"My hair..."I said, my voice trailing off as I grappled at my short, rapidly growing hair, stomach pain gone. Suddenly I couldn't even feel anything anymore like the growth of my hair on my scalp. Neon seweed green hair grew and grew out of my skull until it reached the length it was at before. I saw a loght green glow on my hands as well and concluded that my eyes were glowing as well.

"This must be because of the fruit" said chalnark who was recording the whole ordeal on his flip phone. His hands were shaking, they were so unsteady, I bet his video was gonna be super shaky and bad. But that was beside the point.

I rose to my feet and stood alone by myself amidst my hair and the fruit pile. "Boss," I said with a strong voice, "what just happened to me? I know you said tou read about the nen fruit on the internet, surely those forums mentioned something about this?" Ifelt like I had gained an ability of some sort. I wasn't overpowered or anything, no no way there were still people out there way stronger than me, but still. I knew something had changed but I needed to know exactly what.

"Ah yes," said chrolo as he closed his book and said "the artilces said that the peroson who eats the nen enhaned fruit will gain a monumental power bboost along with a new relevant ability." He scratched his beard. "Idk what that means tho. Do you feel any different?"

I scoffed and hopped off the fruit pile and landed with a soft thud. I walked right past the Shalnark and Chrollo and went tp retire to my bed rom. If nothing else, I had to figure this thing out by myself.


Hisoka's life insurance was just enough to cover the milk damage on the field. Now I was penniless, Hisokaless, and milkless. Not only that but I was furious, angry at Emma and her goons for all they had done.

I shook off my boxking gloves and dialed my dad, Netero, on the phone. He of all people would be abl to help me.

"Hello? Oza, is that you? HOwve you been???" NAtral father response.

"Yes dad, I'm doing fine but...I need you to do me a brief flavor..." I went on to explain the situation, to explain Emma and her nen, to explain the circunstances of Hisoka's death, to explain the stolen fruit...all of it. It took almost an hour to tell him everything and at the end of the telling, my hands were itching for a fight. I am soooo ready to bash her and Chrollo's ugly faces in.

Father was silent for a moment, then he resplonded, "Mhmm I see. I'll send my distant goons to take care of it."

I grinned evily and brought the phone away from my face so that I could grin with greater ease. "Thanks dad~," I said sweetly before hanging up.

A place to call home (a HunterxHunter fanfiction)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant