Chapter 17: Break ups

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- Y/n's P.o.V -

The next day came, Jamie was kinda disappointed in me, Dark would come by me every chance he could. It was nice I guess, except for the nasty glances Jamie gave me.. She really did like him, yet I took him away. I was a terrible friend... Even though I just met this girl yesterday, she was a nice friend.
I buried my head in my arms as it was lunch break. I groaned as Jamie looked at me, a small smile was on her face as she looked down at me.

"Everything okay Y/n? You seem down.."

"Yeah.. I just feel like a terrible friend and a girlfriend..."

She raised an eyebrow as she looked at me. I already knew she didn't understand what I meant, neither did she know I had a boyfriend.

"What do you mean?"

"I feel bad... I stole your crush.."

She chuckled, and shook her head. I huffed as I stared down at my sandwich. We went to subway for some lunch, and I just didn't have the apatite for it anymore. I groaned as I rested my head against my arms.

"You didn't steal anyone. I figured that he never liked me anyway."

"I'm sorry.. We just have a history.."

She nodded as she pointed behind me. I turned and saw Dark walking towards us. A smile spread across his face as he saw me. A small smile crept onto my lips as well. He sat beside me, as he looked over at Jamie and smiled.

"Hi Jamie."


I giggled at her shyness. I softly leaned up and kissed his cheek, his arms draped around my shoulders as we continued talking. It was nice to have him back, yet I felt terrible to have him back. Mark didn't deserve this... I wanted both of them in my life, but I didn't want to break up a perfect family because of it. I'd have to tell Mark one day, but right now, I'll keep it a secret from Mark. Mark wouldn't really know anyway, he's been in and out of the state and always recording videos... He hasn't had time for me.
I continued to think about it while Dark and Jamie talked. Suddenly my phone started buzzing, I pulled it out of my pocket as I watched the caller ID... It was Mark.

"I'll be right back,"

I kissed Dark quickly before standing up. I walked behind a corner as I picked up. His voice was sounded so tiring... And upset that I thought something bad had happened. I pushed those thoughts aside as I listened to his tiring voice.

"Hey baby.."

"Hi sweetie, what's up?"

I heard a soft sigh coming from him as he paused for a moment. My mind went to a dark place, completely. I bit my nails slightly as I waited for him to continue.

"L-look.. Baby, I'm s-sorry for not having time for you.. A-and I don't know.. I'm really sorry, a-and I want to tell you that.. Ugh, I'm sorry but I found someone else... I-i think we should see other people.."

I didn't reply, I bit my finger to keep any sobs out. I couldn't start crying now, Dark and Jamie were waiting for me. Before I knew, tears streamed down my cheeks as I listened to his breathing and soft crying. I would think this was a sick joke he pulled, but he wasn't snickering... He was crying with me.


I couldn't form a sentence, not even a word. I was screaming mentally, telling me I'm doing the wrong thing; telling me he already knew that me and Dark were somewhat back together. I sighed, and nodded my head as I let the tears stream down my cheeks.

"I-if you t-think that's what you w-want... I can support y-your decision."

"Alright... I'm gonna go... You can stop by to get some of your things that are here sometime."

I nodded, before listening to him hang up. I didn't feel like moving, so I just leaned back into the building and slid down. I sat there, just staring off into space. I lost Mark, but... I had Dark this time.. I pulled my legs up into my chest as I buried my face into my legs. I wasn't going to start crying, I kept it in for as long as I could. But, I ended up sobbing. I didn't want to lose Mark, but he found someone else, and... I did... Cheat on him with Dark.

"Y/n? You alright?"

It was Dark, he kneeled beside me, before he sat down beside me. Soon, I stopped crying as I just sniffled. I slowly leaned over and set my head in Dark's shoulder. He gently grabbed my hand as we sat there in silence. I sighed as I closed my eyes softly, listening to the steady breathing of both of us.

"Hey Y/n.. Ready to tell me what's up?"

"Mark.. Broke up with me.."

He nodded as he pulled me closer. He held my hand, stroking the back of it. He then gently kissed the back of it as he glanced at me. I smiled, as I looked over at him. I saw a small smile creep onto his lips as he watched me. I kissed his cheek, but he caught my lips before I could.

"I love you.."

I whispered as we broke apart. I couldn't help it, it was kind of a reflex. He smiled, as he softly kissed me again, he gave soft kisses, that were short. He kissed my lips repeatedly, before he let the kiss last a bit longer. After we broke apart, my phone buzzed. I looked down, seeing Jamie's number pop up. 'Where are you?! We have an exam today! And the teacher is pissed!' I shrugged it off, and stuffed it back into my pocket.

"I don't want to go to class... Or do that stupid exam.."

He nodded and kissed my cheek. He stood up, pulling me up as well. Dark smiled, before pulling me to his car. I raised an eyebrow, but he just made me sit in the car anyway.

"We're going to my apartment."

- Author's Note -

I hope you're happy with this, I decided to continue writing this book and I really do hope you enjoy it. I've noticed my writing as improved in each chapter of this book. I hope you'll agree, comment on what you think and what you'd like to happen.

Kill it, Drag it, Bury it!

XoXo~ N3rDyCue

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