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He slammed the door shut as he stomped his way to the bed. He laid back on the bed while covering his eyes. He exhaled and inhaled while thinking of the things that happened today that irritated him.

"Oh Daehyun. What happened to you? When did you come back? We were all worried sick." Youngjae said running to his side and sitting down next to him on the bed.

He grunted and tossed a pillow across the room while pulling his hair. Youngjae moved away from him with a confused expression written on his face. "Whoa~ I didn't mean to get on your bad side. I'll just leave so you can get some rest." Before Daehyun could answer, Youngjae got up and walked into a different room. Daehyun laid back down and closed his eyes.

Suddenly, the door opened and in stepped Zelo. "Hyung." Daehyun's eyes shot open as he sat up with an unreadable expression. It was sort of mixed with anger and . . . And something else but he just couldn't figure it out.

"Hyung I-"

"Save it!! I'm tried of you playing innocent!!" He shrieked as he got up and grabbed Zelo by the collar. "When are you ever going to leave her alone?!! You know your too young for her yet you still want her!!!" Zelo looked terrified.

"H-hyung. Your s-scaring me." His voice trembled. He never saw this side of him before. He was scared. He never did anything to him to make him this anger before. "I-I don't know what your talking about. I really don't."

This time Daehyun exploded. "Are you kidding me? Stop it Zelo!! You know exactly who I'm talking about!!" He shouted in his face. Zelo stayed quite for a moment. He looked down to his shoes while thinking. Suddenly the terrified look he had on his face, disappeared into a mocking smirk. He grabbed Daehyun's hands off of his collar and pushed him back making him stumble backwards, surprising him.

"I. Can. Do. Whatever. I. want. And if Zelo wants something, he gets it. Let me make this very clear for you, Just because your my hyung, it doesn't mean you get to control who I like or dislike. I control that. So back off or else things will get worse for you." Daehyun held is fist in the air ready to punch him but was stopped by Yongguk.

"DAEHYUN!!! What do you think your doing?!!" His loud, deep voice roared throughout the room.

"Hyung!!" He cried. They looked at Daehyun standing there with a shocked expression. "Daehyun, care to explain?"

He blinked at them and said, " I . . . He . . We . . . . I mean . . . . Grrrr!!!" He walked out of the room in frusation.

"What is wrong with him nowadays?" Himchan asked. They shrugged and walked away from Zelo and into their own rooms to sleep, while Zelo still sat in the dark.

"I'm sorry hyung but I can't let you have noona. She's mine. We can fight for her. Let the best man win." He mumbled to himself as a smirk started to tug on the corners of his lips.


She tossed and turned yet she can't fall asleep. She stopped and looked up at the ceiling. She slowly touched her lips as a smile appeared on her face, thinking back to the accident that happened. All of her thoughts lingered around her. She closed her eyes and then opened them to see him on the ceiling. The fade out picture of him. She moved her head to the side and blinked. His picture was still there.

She quickly sat up after realizing what she had done. She slapped her cheeks and shook her head from side to side. "What's wrong with me? I barely know him yet I think about him." She whispered to herself. She sat up and looked over at Amber, who is peacefully sleeping in her bed.

She got off the bed, grabbed her jacket from the chair, took her phone off the table and walked out of the room. She walked down the hallways and out the front door of the cabin. She thrust her hands into her jacket pockets and walked around the camping grounds.

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