I disguise and i will lie

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5 weeks later

Tyler's P.O.V

It's been five weeks since josh told me he liked Lizzie and I still don't know what to think about it. When it's just me and him I've teased him about it but he doesn't laugh he just goes quiet and blushes so I'm guessing he's not over her. Unless Lizzie is really good at hiding her emotions I haven't seen her showing any signs of her liking him back. I haven't let this get in the way of our music; well I've tried not to. Lizzie has spent a lot of time with us, watching and listening to us work and helping out with the publicity of our upcoming gig. Everything seems okay at the moment.

Josh's P.O.V

I've been feeling really bad about telling Tyler that I like Lizzie and about not telling him that we kissed. I haven't been avoiding lizzie but I haven't been flirting with her in front of him either, what makes the situation worse is that even though Tyler hasn't said to me its okay to be with her I've still kissed her a few times since I told Tyler and its killing me inside that he doesn't know but I cant stay away from her. I can't believe she's leaving in three days. She'll be gone, but I hope she comes back.

Lizzie's P.O.V

Fuck. This situation I'm in right now is the best and the worst time of my life. It's the best because josh and me feel the same way and I really, really like him but it's the worst because Tyler still doesn't know. Well he doesn't know I like him back. Josh told me what happened about five weeks ago when he told Tyler he liked me. I wish Tyler would just find out so josh and me can be together. I've got to leave in three days, that's all I have left, three days. I don't know what I'm going to do. My dad expects me to go home and get into college. He thinks I've send my application, he thinks I'm ready but I don't want to go. How will I tell him? How will I leave josh? What the fuck is going on? Something's wrong with me, Acadia got pissed off with me a few weeks ago because I was spending more time with josh and Tyler than I was with her and she spent her time with her dad.

Its now 6 am in the morning and me and josh have been calling all night. He's not spending tonight with Tyler so he thought he would use that time on me. We have been talking about everything like what we are gonna do while I'm away and we've been finding out a lot about each other like favourite colour and favourite movie, we just couldn't stop talking. When it reached 7:30 am we decided to sleep since we said we would meet Tyler for a 'surprise' at 10.

10am came around really quickly, I over slept, which meant I just had to time to change my clothes and do my hair and makeup in the car. I turn up to Tyler's house looking like a mess. I go to knock on the door and josh answers.

"Hey Lizzie!" he says and hugs me, tight. "Tyler I just on the phone to his sister, come in and wait, do you have any idea what's going on?" he says still holding onto me.

"Not a clue" I say.

"Hey guys, lizzie, josh you ready to go?" josh lets go of me and laughs nervously.

"Yeah were ready" josh says for both of us.

"Sick! Lets go get in the car for your surprise!!" Tyler says getting really excited.  We all get into Tyler's car and put some music on. We are driving for about 20 minutes before they ask me to put a blindfold on.

"You want me to do what?" I ask nervously laughing.

"Just so you don't see where we are going!" Tyler and josh laugh. I put the blindfold on and about twenty minutes later I am told to try and unwrap something. I can feel the car has stopped moving so I think we are there. I start ripping the paper and it feels like I'm holding a top or something in my hand. I am told to take it off. It's a swimming costume. I look up and see signs for wave world waterpark!

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