Lets take this a second at a time

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Josh's P.O.V

"Ummmmm" Lizzie and me were both were stuck on what to say.

"Nothing, don't worry" Danny said to Tyler "anyway. Anyone glad I'm back?" we call break out of that awkward phase and greet Danny. I take their bags upstairs leaving Elizabeth and Tyler downstairs. Fuck that was close. I need to tell Tyler before he catches us. I go back downstairs.

"I glad to be home to be honest" I hear Danny saying as I walk in the downstairs restaurant.

"Well its good to have you home" Lizzie says. We all say our goodbyes and me and Tyler get in the car to go home.

"Oh, I think I left house key on the counter at lizzie's, can I get her number off your phone to text her?" I ask

"Help yourself dude, you know the password" he says with a smirk. I get Tyler's phone and add Lizzie's number onto mine. I didn't leave my wallet at hers I just wanted her number so we could talk about this later.

"So who was that on the phone?" I ask him trying to change the subject.

"Oh yeah! I forgot it was my mom at first but as I hung up with her our booking manager called and said that he could book us at the fleur theatre for a gig!"

"The fleur theatre?" I ask unsure

"Yeah it's a small theatre but they do concerts and shows and stuff as well" Tyler explains "aren't you excited?" Tyler asks smiling now.

"Oh god yeah I am sorry I just couldn't believe it!" I say trying to brush off the guilt I felt. When is it?" I ask

"September 22nd" Tyler says. We both celebrate in the car and when things calm down I figure while he's in a good mood I should tell him now.

"Hey Tyler can we talk about something?" I ask

"Yeah sure what's up? Tyler asks not knowing of what's about to come. We just pulled into his drive way and instead of leaving the car he stayed and turned to me.

"Well, I don't really know how to say this so I'm just gonna say it..." I pause and look up at him "I... I like lizzie" I say.

"You...like like lizzie?" he asks as his facial expression changed from concerned to surprised.

"Yeah, I like her lot" I say "but I came to you first, I didn't want to do anything until I talked to you" with every lie that came out I felt a shot of guilt run through me. I didn't go to him first and I didn't wait for the green light. What have I done?

"So what do you want to do about it?" Tyler asked going from surprised back to concerned.

"Well nothing unless your cool with it" I said trying to convince him that nothing had happened already. Tyler just looked out the window and had the same confusions and concern on his face. "So how do you feel about this?" I ask after a few moments of silence.

"You've only known her for like a week haven't you?" Tyler asks as if he's second-guessing my feelings for Lizzie.

"Yeah, I mean I didn't say I was in love with her, I just really... like her" I explain.

"Ok, well do what you gotta do man" he says with a forced smile. This wasn't the sort if green light I was going for.

"You sure?" I say and he just replies with a nod. We then get out and go in his house. I crash on the couch as usual but instead of Tyler staying with me he goes to his room. Before he leaves the room he stops at the door and looks at me.

"Does she like you back" he says with a broken tone.  I sit up and look at him, oh fuck, I have to lie again.

"I don't think so," I say with a shrug. All the secrets will come out one day.

Tyler's P.O.V

I walk into my room and just lay on the bed. How can josh like her? Why am I annoyed that he likes her? Maybe her attention will go away from me after I've tried to get it all these years? He must think I like her. Do I like her? Anyway I cant get this get in the way of josh and mines friendship. Part of me hopes he just has false feelings for her.

Thank you so much for reading. Please carry on ❤️❤️❤️

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