"Yeah let me just give this to Flynn." I walked past Emma & headed to Flynn's room.

  "Mav-" she cut herself & huffed letting me through.

   I knocked on Flynn's door before entering the door. He was under his covers crying. I've never seen Flynn cry before. "Hey Flynn!" I perked up.

   I know what it's like to be in a dark period, you just need to pull yourself back out from the darkness. He didn't say a word, just stopped sobbing. I sat down at the end of his bed & pulled the cover off of his head.

   "I brought your favourite movie!" I waved it around but he just kept looking forward at the wall, no expression in his face.

   I sighed. "I know, Flynn I know you aren't in a good state of mind but it's fine. You just got to pull yourself out of the darkness surrounding you & find that beam, that glow. I mean I would know. I shut myself out for the longest time. You know because of my dad, but there are so many people around you that are you light, they just keep your life bright. It's hard right now, but you will be okay."

    He turned & looked me in the eye. "Leave."

   I furrowed my eyebrows. "What?"

   "Leave & don't come back Mavis. This thing you thought we had, it's gone." Huh, so that's what it feels like to be heartbroken. I felt a tear run down my face & I hadn't even realized that my eyes were stinging back with tears.

   "Fine. But when you get out of this- this whatever happened to you, don't ever talk to me again!" I threw the DVD at his face & left the room crying.

   Emma was in the room rubbing her shoulder awkwardly. "I got you your favourite ice cream."

   "Come on, let's go to your place." I nodded & looked back at his door, shook my head & left with Emma at my side.

   *Present Day*

   I wasat my locker with Xander, also known as my boyfriend. My. Boyfriend. Yes it happened quickly but he treats me good.

   "Babe, how does lunch at Q's sound?" Xander said leaning on the locker, his arm resting just above my head.

   "Sounds great!" I smiled up to him.

   "How about after school, you can come over to my house?" The first time I met Xander, I hadn't noticed his accent. Before we started dating I noticed it, he's from Australia.

   "Oh uh sure. What are we going to do?" I asked my face flushing a bit.

   "Have a little fun?" He asked smirking. I smiled up to his blue blue eyes.

   "Sounds really good to me." I whispered in a seductive tone into his ear. I saw him shake off a shiver.

   He leaned down & kissed my lips. His hands gripped at my hips & then he pulled away from me. "I'll see you, after class."

    I nodded, my face probably scarlet. I watched him start to walk away from me. I turned & met his eyes. Everything moved in slow motion & it was just the two of us staring at one another. I couldn't take it, if I stare at him any longer then I will start to cry. I turned away from his eyes & called after Xander. He wasn't that much father ahead of me, it all happened so quickly.

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