Huge announcment chapter 20

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Hello everyone I know that this is probably not even a chapter but I just need to say this so I'll just tell you guys everybody I want to tell you that well umm so next chapter is gonna be called Annie's birthday so check it out and I hope you enjoy that one next thing is follow me on watt pad please it would be a big help the third thing is that umm I'm from Ecuador umm I know I shouldn't be giving you this info but I want to because I just want to umm so I live in Ecuador and I learned how to speak English because when I was little my parents took me to America and that's where I learned but I still live in Ecuador and so now I went to America for three times and yeah my parents only know a tiny bit of English but not a lot of it so I only speak Spanish when I'm around Spanish people that I know not someone who can't speak Spanish and is a stranger I have a best friend she's like my very best friend she is from Ecuador she knows a bit of English but not a lot and we talk in Spanish to each other umm anyways the other thing I wanted to say is that you guys or girls will be having a sneak peak on my book that I'll be working on after I'm done with this book it's called wolves here's a sneak peak * the wolves ran wild spirited I heard running and barking and howling I saw the wolves run to me and I began to run but they caught up and before I knew it I was on the ground I woke up not bleeding no injury I saw them all around me* so there's a sneak peak I might change the story a bit but I don't know so anyways I hope you read this comment and like and follower me on watt pad anyways I'll see you soon bye💝💝💝peace out guys or girls.

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