Gone but Not Forgotten

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   I threw my stuff in the corner and locked the door. All I wanted was to crawl under the covers, despite it being only 2:30 in the afternoon. There she was; sitting at my tiny table, making it seem perfectly average in comparison. She was barely 4ft and couldn't weigh near a hundred pounds. She always looked so perfectly coiffed. Good word coiffed. Is it French? Perhaps it explained why she had the appearance of biding a waiter at an al fresco in Paris. It made me want to offer her a glass of wine. I knew she didn't need any.

   "I didn't see you at the funeral." She smiled at me. She was always so beautiful. "No. People would be crying. Why would I go?" I had cried, bitterly. She was my favorite Aunt on my mother's side. I had always envied her bright red hair, that she had kept dyed exact it's natural color when the time had come. It had started to fade. She never did. "To say good bye." My heart broke. The tears came again. "Well I am here now. Only for a moment. Your Uncle Ron is waiting, and I have already been far too long." She had the glow of a school girl going to meet her bou. I choked out "I will miss you." I felt her love, and then the room seemed dim and I went to bed.

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