Food Fight!!!!!!!!

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Ariana's POV

1 Week Later

"Are yall planning on moving out,"I asked everyone.

(Everyone is the crew we've been hanging out with for a while now)

"We have been thinking about it, what about you and Justin,"Za asked. "We're not sure if we're gonna move in with eachother, yet,"Justin said. "Why you two are dating,"Ashlynn said. "Yeah, but we would drive eachother crazy, literally the night before yall came, I wanted to slap the crap out of him, he wouldn't let me leave. I don't know if I can deal with that,"I chuckled as I rest my head on his shoulder. "I'm not that annoying,"Justin defended. "Yeah you are,"I giggled. "Then why are you on me, right now,"Justin asked. "I still like you, don't worry I won't leave,"I cooed. "Shutup,"Justin said as he tried to fight back a smile.

"Wait, where did Khalil go,"Alexa asked. "Yeah, where did he g-,"I began to ask but I was stopped by milk being poured on my head.

I turned around with my mouth hung wide open to see Khalil dying on the floor.

Then everyone else started laughing.

They were all in on this.

"I am going to kill you all,"I gasped as I ran to the fridge about brought out the eggs before I started throwing them at everybody.

Justin then got up and poured flour on my head and everyone went biserk.

Whip cream was being sprayed, soda was being poured, mayonnaise was being slapped on people's faces, ketchup was being squirted.

Justin's house is now a mess.

I turned to slap Alexa with mayonnaise but she sprayed water all over me.

Everything in Justin's fridge was now on the floor or on me.

I looked like a human ice cream sundae.

"What the heck is going on,"Pattie yelled as she walked in with Jaxon.

We all dropped everything that was in our hands and stood there completely frozen.

"W-We decided the kitchen needed a, a makeover,"Justin smiled nervously.

"Clean this up now,"Pattie glared at Justin, before she set her gaze upon each and every one of us. "You got it Krabby Patty,"Meajor joked. "Now is not the time Brandon Eugene Gilbert Green!!!"Pattie scolded.
(His middle name is not actually Eugene Gilbert)

Our eyes widened and we all rushed to the pantry to get cleaning supplies.

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