Knock knock

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It starts off easy, real easy.

The first eye contact, and you notice how what looks black on the surface is actually dark brown, like melted dark chocolate. The shade tugs at your heartstrings, and you're left wanting for more.

You start off, by gaining a little knowledge. Stalking in layman's terms, you go through the profile. Ah he looks like an angel!

A part of you warns you, that he's not what you're looking for, reminds you of the last time. You assure that part, "Just a little fun, that's it".

That's never it.

You start seeing what others can't see, the way his eyes light up when he smiles, the way his eyebrows arch up sometimes. Adorable, he is, like a little baby!

Then there are times when you're in one of your moods. You notice the sweet little ass he has, the way his muscles flex when he waves his hands in the air. Delicious!

That night you take a crazy step forward. You drop off a little message, "When is the assignment due?" He replies, and you start talking.

That's when it starts. You notice your cheeks in the mirror, you can see the red hue on the pale skin. You feel oddly satisfied, and yet not full. That's when it starts.

That's when love enters your life.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2016 ⏰

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