"Well, I hope he's alright." He'd reply. We did too. Where ever he was or whatever he was doing.

"Yeah." I said, looking down to the wooden flooring for a brief moment, thinking of a subject to change the current one.

"Er, hey. You gonna buy the flask, or shall I?" I asked, my own hand rubbing on my nape. "I mean, you were grabbing for it and -"

"You can have it." Fletcher would answer, smiling in my direction. This came to a relief, after all the awkward moment that had just passed made me sweat even more.

I only had a spare couple of coins after buying the flask, which I planned to buy dinner with. It would be amazing if I could even buy a sandwich with the money. Although, perhaps I wouldn't be needing to buy anything for Fletcher had invited us to his house. Hu!  Russell actually spent the money on something good.   

"Great!" Alphonse replied to the invitation, "I was hoping we could meet the both of you actually. If Russell is actually present."

"Oh yes he is," The younger brother would say, as always with happy vocals, "In fact, we were actually talking about you two yesterday. He never got to properly thank you for the money, (Name.)" Fletcher would turn to me, still plastered with a smile. I was pleased myself - he still remembered the check.

"Well, I guess he'll be thanking me soon enough." I'd comment. In fact, I was quite exited to see the boy again. I was quite intrigued also. Had Russell changed? Surely he'd be a lot more mature now, being older. Perhaps he was more muscular than thin. Perhaps that blond fringe covering his face had grown out.

"Talking about thanks, I would like to thank you too!" The young Alchemist would say, stretching his smile even further. He seemed truly happy and it filled my with such satisfaction. "I didn't get to thank you, so here's mine." 

Such words made my giggle, I always loved people praising my efforts to make them happy. Such joy was accomplished out of it. This is probably why Alphonse followed in my footsteps with this act.  

It didn't take long before the three of us had arrived at the fairly large house, of course separated from the others and placed in a rather rural area; all of this creating a rather beautiful scenery and of course it took awhile to arrive at the house in which we actually spent most of the time in silence as we had no food for conversation.

Fletcher opened the door to the house, revealing non other than Russell himself. Upon appearance he obviously seemed much larger and muscular, however the he had managed to keep that same hair style...after all those years. I noticed that he had set his gaze upon myself which meant that he had remembered me and I was happy about that.

'Hey...never expected you both to turn up here,' Russell spoke as happily as his brother did, getting up from the sofa that sat comfortably by a large window that gave a nice view of a hill just by a forest. 'Take A seat, I guess we have a lot to catch up on then ay'? His vocals were deeper than the last time I had seen him. This was expected. But his tone was very smooth, in fact it created Goosebumps along my arms. To sum up, he was a lot better 'looking' and sounding than when he was younger.

"Alphonse, right?" He'd ask the younger Alchemist, "I see you've got your body back."

Alphonse would give the same reaction as he had to Fletcher: scratching his nape in a confusion.

"Er, yeah." He'd repeat, "I sure did."

"And you voice hasn't changed at all. Seems like you were a lot younger the first time I met you." The older brother would chuckle, looking down upon Alphonse, who would answer with the same reply, 'Er, yeah'.

"Brother, the two wanted to tell us something" Fletcher jumped onto the sofa, leaning against the side of it, Russell followed and of course I would sit by him however Alphonse stood by the sofa. And with a long sigh, Alphonse began to speak...

After Alphonse had explained the situation the two seemed pretty confused, as was I when I first found out. I had to figure this out which made it even more confusing.

"So, that's why we need your help. We already know that the stone had lead us to a dead end, so we're here to ask if you could teach us your Agricultural Alchemy? We think it could give us some new knowledge on Alchemy and perhaps lead us in a better direction." I'd comment after Alphonse. Their response was not immediate, instead the room was plunged into silence. Were the brother's thinking? Or were they just shocked?

"Equivalent Exchange," Russell would murmur under his breath, turning towards his younger brother. Fletcher nodded, causing the older brother to rise his head, Grey iris' staring into my own. For one reason or another, my muscles began to tense as his vision locked onto me; why couldn't he have looked at Alphonse instead?

"You gave me the check, so I will teach you the alchemy." Russell continued, smiling in my direction. I smiled back, but not for the same reason he was. Truly, something forced my lips to part - embarrassment? Perhaps. But something warm filled my cheeks.

"Great!" Alphonse chirped, pressing his two palms together, but this was not to transmute anything. He seemed to clap his hands out of excitement. I felt such excitement within myself too, but not for the Alchemic reason... More of a chemistry I felt running within my veins, making my heart pump faster. Perhaps...

"Er, (Name)." I heard a voice force me from my contemplations, Alphonse had nudged me in the shoulder again. "Are you okay?" He'd ask, raising an eyebrow, seeming concerned. At this, I chuckled as if I were a school girl, everting my eyes away from the older brother and towards Alphonse.

"Never been better." I'd say, my voice straining against the laughter my heart so wanted to push out of my chest.

"Okay, then let's go learn some Alchemy." He'd say, following Russel and Fletcher who had already made their way towards the door. As much as I wanted to travel by 'his' side, I stayed next to Alphonse. I didn't want to seem desperate or anything...

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