Truth if you Dare

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*Aj Lee Pov*
AJ Lee: *paces around the locker room talking crazy bout how she lost her Baby* How dare she ruin my 295 days. She doesn't deserve it. That's mines. Mine mine mine. *SCREAMS LOUD*
Brie & Nikki: *walks in with my her twin sister brie while laughing at Aj*
Brie: Someone seems pretty upset *says sarcastically*
Aj: Brie dont fuckin start with me ok.
Nikki: Calm down Aj. No need for all the extra madness *rolls eyes and takes hat off*
Aj: I am calm Nikki. You don't know what it feels like to come so far and have something been taking from you.
Nikki: Yea but i would have thought of a better strategy than you. Just saying.
Aj: Mkay if that's the case when you was Divas Champion, how come your reign was only 7 days then. Never had a reign as low as that. *laughs evily and puts on my chuck taylors*
Nikki: *gets upset and stands in front of Aj* Look I'm tired of people like you constantly underestimating me. One day i will prove you and every diva on the roster wrong.
Aj: *gives Nikki the crazy eye* Hmm when will that be.. when you decided to retire and Your sister isnt good enough to team up with.
Brie: *frowns* Excuse me.
Aj: Your excuse *flips hair and skips to the door* You bitches just mad that i am the longest reign divas champion. But guess what who tf cares. You will thank me one day for saving this division from falling to the ground. Now if you excuse me I have to approach the universe. *waves petty and opens door skipping out*
Nikki: I can't fuckin stand her ass. Always thinking she better than every damn body. When she isn't.
Brie: Exactly. She messing with the wrong bella.
Nikki: I hope i get a match with her. Imma drag her ass like the little bitch ant she is.
Brie: For sure.
Nikki: Get ready Aj, fearless Nikki coming for you *looks furious and walks over to locker*
Brie: Briemode Activated.
*Summer Pov*
Maryse: Summer look tell me who fuckin hit you. It shouldn't be that damn hard. Cause i will find that bitch and beat her ass myself.
Summer: Ok fine it was Aj  who punched me in the eye than later that day Rosa slapped me. Look it's not that big of a deal maryse Really.
Maryse: *Gets angry and heads for the door* Bet.
Summer: Sis wait.
Maryse: Wait for what? He'll nah these bitches touched you and think it's ok. Cause it's not. Bout to fuck them up so dont stop me.
Summer: You could get suspended maryse, please just let it go.
Maryse: Girl I will knocked you tf out and have your other eye swollen. Don't play with  me.  I don't care if i get suspended. No body fucks with family period.
Summer: I understand sis *grabs ring gear and heads to the bathroom.
Maryse: *looks back at summer thinking bout what she said and storms out the room looking for Aj and Rosa *
Summer:*takes a deep breath* Just hope she listens to what I said. Yes i know it wasn't right for them to hit me but seriously I'm fine. Why she got to be the sister that does so extra. Sheesh she needs to chill. *finishes make up and puts on ring gear to get ready for my short interview with Renee*. Here goes another blues.
*Maryse Pov*
Maryse: Has anybody seen Aj and Rosa.
Security: Aj getting ready to go on but check the makeup room and Rosa in the cafeteria.
Maryse: Thank you for telling me, i need to discuss something with them to. Personally.
Security: Sounds bad. Is everything alright?
Maryse: Mhm just some miss communication involving my sister summer. That's all.
Security: Oh I understand that. Go ahead and get that taken care of.
Maryse: I sure will but I'll wait till tonight show is over with before I say something to them.
Security: That's good to do it that way.
Maryse: Yea.*walks away to meet up with my hubby miz*
*Summer Pov (interview)*
Renee Young: Please welcome my next guest at this time, Summer Rae.
Summer: *smiles and flips bands to the side* Hey Renee.
Renee: Now summer the last time we talked your eye was a bit swollen. As of now looks like it's healing. How do you feel? And when will the universe be seeing you back in action?
Summer: *huffs and puffs angrily* Not any time soon but i will be back once I'm cleared by the doctor. Unfortunately Renee I'm not. And another thing can you all stop questioning and asking me bout my eye? It's not serious.
Renee: Well Summer it kinda is. You've been out of ring action for a little over a month. Don't you think it's affecting your career in anyway?
Summer: No I don't. It will heal and be back to normal. Next subject please.
Renee: Ok *makes weird face and rolls eyes* How are things with Dolph and you?
Summer: We are in a very happy place. Just both been really busy in our careers that we don't spend a lot of time together.
Renee: Well it's good to know you guys are doing good. Would you like to say anything else Summer.
Summer: No. *walks off and heads towards the divas locker room.
Renee: Hmm why so mad tho. *shakes head and goes to find Dean*
*Aj Lee Pov*
*theme hits as Aj Lee makes her way to the ring to approach the universe*
Jerry: I wonder what is on the mind of that woman right there. AJ Lee.
Cole: I dont Jerry but let's remind the universe how Aj Lee reign ended when the newest diva Paige. Showed up.
*shows a clip from Paige Debut and beat AJ for the Divas Champion*
Jerry: At only 22 years old Paige managed to be the first ever youngest Divas Champion.
Cole: Incredible Jerry.
*Aj grabs microphone and begins talking to the universe*

AJ Lee: As you all know I lost my Championship last Monday to the British Bitch

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AJ Lee: As you all know I lost my Championship last Monday to the British Bitch. Paige.
*crowd cheers and some boos*
Just when i thought that no woman would ever beat me. She of all people just had to prove me right. But don't think I'm done being champion. Paige got lucky. That's the only time she will ever get lucky. The night of Wrestlemania I proved everyone wrong. By beating the odds. Which always been AJ versus the World.
*crowd cheers with excitement*
When i have my rematch I will be Divas Champion again. So Paige if your listening with your witch eats, wide opened. I wanna make what I'm saying to you crystal clear. Whenever you decided to face me again for the Divas Championship. I will be ready. Last Monday was your opening night and your last. You think this is over *chuckles evillly* I'm just getting started. *Drops mic as theme comes on and skips to the back*
Jerry: You heard Aj. She isn't done being champ and she will seek revenge on Paige.
Cole: AJ just needs to face the fact that she is longer champion. And it's time the universe saw a new face.
Jerry: Everyone thanks for watching and we will see you all  this week's Smackdown. Goodnight.
*Raw Show Ends as AJ heads to her car to go into the next show town, while being stopped by Maryse*
Maryse: AJ I need to have a word with you.
AJ: *looks at Maryse with a frown on her face* What is it?

Aj & Paige: Enemies By ChoiceOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora