Tony smirked, "Are you?"

Gibbs glared for a second, then he smiled, "It's as good a time as any. Are you sure you only want Tim to know?"

Tony nodded, "He made a good point earlier without him knowing all the facts he's not going to be able to find out who did this to my boy."

Gibbs nodded, "You're right. I'm glad you're letting him in son." He held out his hand to help Tony up and waited as Tony leaned over and stroked his son's forehead.

"I'll be back soon kid." Tony vowed and then he turned and left with Gibbs.

"He's what?!" Tim spluttered in shock, trying to keep his voice down in the hospital cafeteria.

Tony sighed, "Gibbs is my adoptive father." He said again, only this time a lot slower than how he had blurted it out a few moments before.

"But..." Tim looked at Gibbs thinking it was a joke, but neither Gibbs nor Fornell were laughing. "How?" He asked.

Tony sat back and taking a sip of the coffee Gibbs had given him, he told Tim about his childhood.

Tim listened, horrified as he realized that the rich frat boy persona that Tony had portrayed was a sham.

"Why did you lie to us?" Tim asked. "You told us you came from a rich family."

"I do." Tony snapped, "The DiNozzo family is rich. They are also Mafia, I was better off when Senior threw me away. I never understood why he changed his mind and took me back." Tony sighed for a moment, "I missed my dad and I missed my home, but meeting Maria Macaluso was the best thing that ever happened to me and when I thought she and my son died my world was destroyed. I came back to America and cut all ties with my birth family. From then on Gibbs was my father and that was it." Tony stated resolutely.

"So you had no idea that Maria and your son were still alive?" Tim asked, his face full of concern.

Tony shook his head, "None at all, I was placed undercover in the Macaluso family when I was a cop. I used the connections I had to get inside. Just before the bust I thought I saw her, but with the chaos that came with the raid I lost sight of her and just assumed it was wishful thinking."

Tim looked sad for his friend.

Gibbs looked over at his son, "McGee, It's important that this doesn't get out. Do you understand? Tony is on my team because, like you he earned a place, not because he's my son. Also, his association with the Mafia... That's for your ears only. Vance knows, but it wouldn't do well for it to go around the building."

Tim nodded, "I'll keep it to myself." He promised, "What about Ziva?"

Tony shook his head, "No... She's too new to the team. She did dossiers on all of us, including Kate for Ari, and she never found this out. If she knew about my son and Maria she never said anything. I want to keep this between us. I need to know who did this to my son. If it's The DiNozzo's or the Macaluso's I need them to pay."

Tobias put a file on the table, "This is all we know about DiNozzo Senior. Tony's called him and asked him to come to the US he's currently in Italy right now. Do your electronic gizmo thingy and see if he's been spending any money over here where he shouldn't be. Same with Macaluso." He ordered.

Tim looked at Gibbs, who nodded, "Vance has Okayed it. You're working solo on this one Tim. But if you need either me or Tony we'll be here at the hospital. Tobias will be your liaison with the FBI's LCN task force." Gibbs told him.

Tim took the file and read through with a grim face.

"I'll do this Tony. You go be with your son." Tim said, remembering how as a teenager, he himself had been in hospital and had wanted his father there. Tony's son had obviously been through hell and if the roles had been reversed, he would have hoped that Tony would do the same for him.

Walking back into the hospital room feeling better knowing that Tim was now in the loop and on the case, Tony finally sat down watching as his son slept. Gibbs placed a hand on his shoulder.

"He's going to be ok son." He reassured him.

"I know, but, there's still the chance that once we find out who did this to him, we may find out he's a killer." Tony's heart hurt at the thought of losing his son so soon after finding him.

"We will deal with it as we get to it." Gibbs said stoically.

Tony's worried reply was cut off as Tonio moved his head.

"Ratz?" He rasped, still asleep. "Ratz... Don't... No...!"

Tony looked up at Gibbs, who seeing the unspoken request in his sons' eyes walked outside and called Tim giving him the name to track down, while Tony stayed and comforted his son.

"Mama..." Tonio called out, "Mama, I'm sorry... No... Mama...!" his eyes shot open as in his mind he saw his mother in a car exploding.

Tony's hand shot out and grasped his son's shoulder.

"Tonio, it's ok. You're ok, you're in hospital."

For a moment Tonio looked confused. "You're my father?" he asked.

Tony nodded with a small smile sadly playing at the corners of his mouth. "I am son. What do you remember? Do you know who did this to you?"

Tonio nodded, "I do... but, I can't tell you. I won't betray my family."

Tony smiled slightly in understanding, but the pain in his eyes was evident. "Omerta, I understand. But you owe them nothing son. They played you. They played me. They lied to your mother. Family does not do that."

Tonio listened to his father's words, understanding that he was speaking the truth. However the beating he had received at the hands of his grandfather's enforcers had him second guessing himself and worrying about talking.

Tony tried another tactic. "Who's Ratz?" He asked.

Surprisingly a smile crossed Tonio's face. "Orazio is, was, my best friend. He was like a brother to me. He helped me even though I was dead to the family. He got me mama's things and my stuff and took me to the hospital."

"Why didn't he stay with you?" Tony asked, surely if he was that much of a friend he would have stayed.

"I was dead to the family. If anyone knows he helped me they would kill him." Tonio replied. "I hope he's ok."

"My friend is looking into it, I'm sure he'll let us know." Tony looked at his son, seeing so much of Maria in him. Taking a deep breath, he asked the question he didn't want to ask.

"There was a federal agent. He was murdered." Tony opened the file Fornell had given him and showed his son the picture. "Do you know anything about this? Did you kill him?"

Tonio looked sadly at the picture.

"Yes." He replied.

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