"Oh nothing in particular." he smiled, "Hurry up. One hour, twenty....three minutes."


Spencer placed the plate in front of me with an elaborate flourish, "Eat up!" he grinned, taking a large bite of his BBQ pulled pork sandwich.

Looking at my plate I began to stuff my face with the food that had been presented to me. Spencer was an amazing cook and he had been entrusted with Thanksgiving this year. It was set to be a nice affair. Spencer had invited Licia, myself, Antonio my brother, as well as Sebastian and Serena - his brother and sister  to have a grown up Thanksgiving this year. When I say 'grown-up' I mean enough alcohol to sink a ship and some seriously good food, both of which Spencer had covered.

"Taste good?" Spencer smiled, "I think it's the best I've done if I do say so myself."

"How do you manage to cook this well, Spencer? It's like I've died and gone to heaven with every single mouthful I take." I groaned, picking up a few fries and digesting them.

"Well, I suppose Mum's background helped a lot. Also, the fact I would've probably starved to death at college unless I worked out how to use the microwave properly and cook something other than Ramen." he chuckled, "Should I make my brownies for Thanksgiving, you think?"

"Yes! How is that even a question?" I frowned, "Of course you should, those brownies are the best."

"You say that about everything I make Adri." he smiled

"It's always true!" I insisted, "How come I can never cook like that?"

"Are you serious?" he exclaimed, "You make the best enchiladas I have ever tasted - bar your Mum's of course, she takes cooking to a whole different level."

I smiled fondly at memories of my mother's kitchen full of smells and her melodic voice as she sang whilst whipping up a storm, "I haven't spoken with Mama since last week, I should call her."

"You should." he nodded, taking another bite of his sandwich, "Tell her hi from me. And ask her whether she and your dad can make it over for Christmas. It would be good to see them again."

"I will." I replied, smiling widely, "Once I mention your name she'll go ten to the dozen crazy talking about you and how bien parecido you are." I rolled my eyes.

Marisol Rodriguez, my mother, had a penchant for Spencer Haywood. Every time I brought up his name in conversation we'd be talking about him for a solid half-hour, and I couldn't really get a word in edgewise. Everything was about how handsome he was, or how kind he was or what a gentleman he was or how she read the latest edition of the paper online or how he was absolutely perfect in every single way. Sure, most of it was true, but the way she conveniently seemed to gloss over Spencer's many conquests splashed all over the tabloids was laughable at best. She treated him like a second son and was always babying him whenever she saw him.

Spencer, of course, loved it. When my parents would come over on trips, he would probably get more attention from them than even I did. He loved having his cheeks pinched, told how adorable he was and good Mexican meals cooked for him on tap. Completely funny, unless I was having a bad day and wanted some attention from the people that brought me into the world. Then it was an entirely different kettle of fish.

"I smothered the pork in barbecue sauce this time, and of course some secret ingredients." he tapped his nose, "You like?"

I nodded eagerly, "Real good." I said, finishing my umpteenth mouthful, "I take it all back, I guess you're an average cook."

Spencer smiled slyly and before I knew it, he had coated a finger in barbecue and wiped it down my cheek.

I gasped incredulously, "You didn't!"

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