Living arrangements hadn't changed. I was still sleeping on the right side of Spencer's bed who insisted I have a comfortable rest. He would wake up at ridiculous o'clock every morning, kiss my cheek and leave for the office - I finally managed to convince him to let me walk the few blocks to my own office . Strange, really -We were just like an old married couple.

Filing away my penultimate case, I collapsed into my comfortable chair once again and sighed. The tension in my neck had built up and I seriously needed some kind of spa break. I would ring Licia later on in the day to see if we could arrange something together.

Glancing up at the clock, my stomach rumbled in synchronisation to the hand striking one o'clock. I was ravenously hungry. I'd worked for five hours straight hunched over my keyboard and my vision was blurry. Food was the first and most important thing on my mind right now and I could kill for a pulled pork sandwich and fries.

Resolving to go to the cafe around the corner I stood up to gather my things, only to have a tall figure burst through my office door.

"Adriana Esmerelda Rodriguez! I just heard that everyone in the office is out. Why did you lie to me?" he accused

"Spencer, please," I sighed, "I needed to get this work done and I knew you'd berate me for going in on a company day off so I didn't tell you. There was reasoning behind it."

"I don't care," he pouted, "You work yourself too hard and you know it. I'm aware that partner means a lot to you and it would be absolutely amazing for you if you got it, but this isn't right Adriana, you're going to make yourself ill."

"I'm fine, honestly." I insisted, moving towards him, "Please, just believe that I want to be proactive about this."

Spencer sighed loudly, loosening the midnight black tie from around his neck, "Fine. But at least let me take you home for lunch. I know you need lunch, you never go without it."

"What are you implying?" I frowned. Was he suggesting I ate too much?

"Nothing at all!" he exclaimed, furrowing his brows, "Adriana. Please. I'll take you home for lunch. You know I need to eat too, as a growing boy and all..."

"Shut up, Haywood." I grinned, slapping his shoulder playfully, "Alright, lunch. But only an hour."

"An hour and a half." he said firmly.

"Fine! An hour and a half. Nothing more. God, you're a good negotiator, you're sure you aren't meant to be in legal?"

"I'm not a negotiator," he smirked, "I just know how to get what I want....mostly."

I rolled my eyes to the heavens, "Come on Haywood, before I get absolutely tired of your arrogance and get my lunch elsewhere. Besides, you're not even that great of a cook."

Touchy subject for Spencer I knew, but I was just teasing. He made the best food I could possibly think of, rivalling my abuela. He would make a pulled pork sandwich and fries better than the cafe.

"Shut up, Rodriguez," he mocked my earlier words, "How about a pulled pork sandwich?"

I gasped, "How the hell would you-"

"Eating into my time here, Rodriguez! Quick, quick, some of us don't have the luxury of being employed by others."

"You're such an idiot. Alright, alright! I'm coming, but no persuading me to stay longer. I'll work for a couple more hours and then get back to prepare for the festive ball tonight."

"That's tonight? Oh yeah, so it is." I could see the metaphorical cogs in Spencer's brain turning.

"What are you thinking about, Haywood?"

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