Chapter 2

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Edited! Shocking. I know. but I'm at work and there's nothing to do. xD Needed to kill time.
♥Alex ♥

     I was more than happy when lunch came around. The classes between first and fourth period had been uneventful. I bounced into the lunchroom with a grin, hurrying to snatch up the last of the pudding before a jockstrap could and rushed off to my normal table with a evil giggle. "Yo hoes." I dropped onto the bench seat across from Misty and Nate who'd been in a heated whispered conversation.
     "Hey Alex. Did you hear about the party?" Misty asked with a smile.
     "Oh gawd. Please don't remind me Misty." I whined out as I tore open my pudding and groaned out a little as I took a bite. "So good." I mumbled around the pudding in my mouth.
     "I tried calling! You'd turned your phone off Alex." Misty snapped out as she tossed a fry at me.
     "Yeah, I turned it off cause  I knew you'd talk me into going." I took another bite, pulling the spoon from my mouth slowly though as Michael and his goons passed the table. His eyes narrowed a little. "Thanks for the pudding Mikey." I purred out with a grin. My brows raised when he dropped his tray on the nearest table, startling its occupants, before he rounded on me.
     "Okay you disgusting fag, you're really starting to piss me off." he all but snapped out.
     "Wha' did I do?" I asked, eyes going wide and innocent.
     "You know what you do." he yelled out, finally getting the attention of the whole lunchroom. "I'm not a fag so stop hitting on me. It's disgusting."
     "But, you like it. I know you do." My eyes went wide again when he grabbed my shirt and jerked me to my feet. My eyes started to dart around as I looked for Alec. No one had been able to touch me since we were five. Alec had always been there. "Wait, wait." I put my hands up as he raised his fist. "Alec is running a little late."
     He smirked a little. "Good, now I can finally beat your skinny ass into the ground." I winced a little, eyes closing as I waited for the hit to land. I grunted when I was jerked to the side, stumbling a little before catching myself on the bench. An uproar of voices went up around me, but the sounds of fighting couldn't be drown out. My eyes shot open, gasping when I found Alec and Michael rolling around on the ground throwing punches left and right.
     "Damnit Alec." I yelled out as I dove toward them. Luckily one of Michael's friends did the same and we managed to pull them apart.
     "Keep your fag brother away from me!" Michael yelled out, nursing a bloody fat lip while one of his eyes was already closing from the swelling. Alec had his own bloody lip, but it looked like he'd managed to avoid most of Michael's blows. I gasped out quietly when I saw the tribal tattooing peeking out from under Alec's shirt, slowly snaking its way up the back of his neck. Oh, this was not good. I grabbed his arm, having to use all my strength to drag him toward the door.
     "Oh gawd, your eye Michael!" He heard Jessica screech out as she rushed toward Michael, starting to fuss over him.
     "So much for your weekly toy." I muttered to Alec as I dragged him outside and around the building to a small courtyard area out of view of the main part of the school. I frowned as I forced him onto the lone bench in the area and started to look over his split lip. "You need to calm down Alec, you've already started into your change." I leaned around him, fingers brushing over the tattooing that had gotten higher on his neck and had started to disappear into his hair line. I paused when he shivered at my touching.
     Pulling back I blinked at him as his eyes closed and he took in a deep breath. His eyes opened a moment later, a hint of red in the darkness as he stared at me. His hand shot out, tangling in my hair as he pulled me in and pressed his lips to mine. I was stunned for all of a second before my lips started to move over his. I could taste the blood from his cut lip and that only made me press all the closer as I wrapped my arms around his neck.
     I couldn't believe this. I was kissing Alec! And Gods above did he taste wonderful. A small groan escaped me when his tongue pushed into my mouth. It took a full minute for my mind to register. I was kissing Alec. It was this thought running through my head a second time that had me jerking away from him. We were both breathing hard. I stood staring at him, his eyes had gotten darker, going fully black, the white part lost in the darkness of it. He opened his mouth as if to say something as he reached out for me. I didn't stay to find out what it was. I turned an bolted.

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