a nightmare

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It was a cold, winter night.
You snuggled Kylo in your shared bed and whispered 'good night' to him. Not that he would've heard, he was already out like a light. You wrapped yourself in blankets and stared out the window at the raging snowstorm outside. You felt your eyelids getting heavier and heavier, and you fell asleep to the sound of white noise coming from outside.

At around 3:45 am, you felt the bed rattle a little bit. You were a light sleeper so you instantly woke up. You were still half-asleep when you suddenly felt Kylo jolt up. You turned to him and sat up as well. "Kylo, what's wrong?" You whispered.
"I had another nightmare." Was all he could say. He was too scared and ashamed to tell you the rest, but you knew. He had been having reoccurring nightmares about him killing you out of pure anger and rage. You wrapped your arms around his shoulders and comforted him as much as you possibly could. "It's okay, Ky. It was only a dream." You assured him, running your slender fingers through his jet black locks. He sighed and laid back down, and you did the same. You heard muffled sniffles and heavy breathing, and you knew he was really upset. You put your arm around him and tried to fall asleep but you couldn't. "Ky don't worry. Everything's okay. It was just a dream." You softly whispered in his ear. Your heart throbbed with pity. You hated seeing him this distressed. You loved him. You weren't the slightest bit scared of him. You weren't even scared at the thought of him killing you because you knew he wouldn't. You loved him so much and it shattered your heart into a million pieces to see him like this.

sorry this is pretty short but i wanted to do one of these since like, every kylo imagine book has a nightmare chapter lol

also i'm working on Christmas with Kylo pt. 2 that should be up like next week or this weekend lol

word count: 350

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