The Key ~ONE-SHOT!~

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Jack walked towards his closet. He made sure his movements were slow and cautious. He had no idea what was behind the closet door, but he took a breath, bracing himself for whatever he was about to face.

When the brunette opened the door, the sound of a familiar voice was heard.

"BOO!" Mark yelled, jumping out from the closet and giving Jack a squeeze.

"WHAT THE FUCK MARK??!" Jack shouted, pushing Mark away.

"What?" the other shrugged, "I wanted to surprise you."

"SURPRISE ME?!" the Irishmen screamed, spouting spit everywhere like a fountain, "YE NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK MARK!"

Mark froze. Jack never shouted at him like this. Why was Jack reacting so strongly? He was only trying to be cute. It's not like he stabbed Jack or something.

"I-I'm sorry." the ebony haired male muttered, looking down at his shoes.

Jack folded his arms and walked away. Oh no. Not the silent treatment. Mark hated that more than anything. Being ignored was like torture to him. The crippling silence standing there, taunting him.

"Jack wait!" Mark yelled, trying as hard as he could to hug Jack and stop him in his tracks.

Jack didn't react or say a word. He just kept walking.

"Jack please I-" it was no use. He wasn't going to listen. With a sigh, Mark walked over to the couch, plopped his butt on a cushion and opened up Skype on his laptop.

If anyone could help him fix this, it was Felix. Felix always had good advice. Have a problem? %90 of the time that blonde had some sort of solution. It was like magic or some shit.

Giving Felix a call, Mark awaited an answer.

"Hey Mark!" Felix smiled and gave a wave, "What's up buddy?"

"I have a problem..." the dark haired male replied wistfully.

The blonde gasped, placing his hand over his heart, "Who hurt you? I'll fight them. No questions."

"Nobody hurt me." Mark reassured, "See what happened was, I uh, hid in the closet and jumped out and gave Jack a hug. But then h-"

"Let me guess," Pewds interrupted, "Silent treatment?"

"How did you know?" Mark questioned.

"Mark you act like I'm not around you and potato man twenty-four seven. Give me credit here."

The other chuckled slightly. "You have a point."

"Never doubt me muscle boy." Felix said in a menacing tone, leaning so close to his camera that only his eyes were visible.

"Anyway," the blonde continued and leaned back, "What you need to do is talk to Irish face. For any relationship to work and be stable, there needs to be communication. Otherwise, your relationship will fall apart. Like Garnet did at the Keystone Motel."

"Thanks Felix." Mark gave a light smile, shaking his head in judgment. "But you've been watching too much Steven Universe."

Felix gripped his shirt, "How dare!" he whispered.

"Love you too you Swedish fuck!" Mark laughed and hung up.

Now to find Jack..

Of course that wouldn't be hard, considering Jack always went off to the same place when he was pissed off. His room. It was his safe place. The place where he could calm down and collect his thoughts. Where all his problems could temporarily fade away.

"Jacky?" Mark said softly, giving the door a knock, "It's Mark. I need to talk to you babe."

The foreigner opened the door. His arms were folded and his eyes were practically staring into Mark's soul.

"Babe listen," the brown eyed male began, "My intentions weren't to scare you or anger you in any way. I just thought it would be cute and kinda funny to jump outta the closet and give you a hug. I promise I won't do it again."

Jack grabbed his lover's hands. "How can I stay mad at you?" he asked with a giggle. "I was such a butt."

"You weren't a butt, Jacky." Mark consoled the other with a tight hug, "We just hadn't found the key."

"What's the key?" the blue eyed male inquired, raising his eyebrow.

"Simple..." Mark beamed, pecking Jack on the lips and squeezing his hands, "Communication." 

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