Chapter 8

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Carlota's P.O.V.  

I walked very slowly toward our table as Sergi showed them out. We both had huge smiles on our faces and when I got to her, I took her hands in mine and we both started squealing as if on cue. “Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. Bartra has the hots for you.” She said, almost screaming. “Nah. I don’t think it’s like that.” I tried to pretend like I hadn’t noticed but I had.

“Yes he does!” She pushed on my shoulder and I laughed, rolling my eyes. “Ok, ok. Maybe he does.” “What are you gonna do about Bañuz?” She totally burst my bubble as the mood changed and our smiles disappeared. Samper entered the room and we were deathly quiet. “Who died?” He asked as he came in. I rolled my eyes and Ana María shoved him playfully. We laughed and talked for a little while longer until we also decided to leave…  

Ana María’s P.O.V.  

The guys dropped us off at home and Sergi had been driving because the lot of them had drunk more than their share. He left the engine running and stepped out to say goodbye. Janina and Carlota went upstairs and I stayed behind with Sergi. “I wanted to…um, apologize for being so ridiculous back at the bar.” “When?” I frowned, pretending not to know. But I did know. He was referring to the moment when he’d deliberately kissed me in front of Sergi Roberto.

I wanted to ask him myself but since he brought it up… “When we were talking with Sergi. I…I felt jealous of him.” “But why?” I asked as I stepped forward but he kept his head down. All of a sudden, it shot up: “Because I saw the way he looks at you! And he’s so much better looking than I am, he’s older…I felt threatened by him.” I knew it. I caressed his cheek but he kept his head down. “There’s nothing to feel threatened by. Jo vull estar amb tu.” I told him I wanted to be with him, not anybody else, in Catalan so it was very clear.

As soon as he heard his native language, his head shot up again, a smile on his face. “Although, I’m not going to lie. Jealous you is kind of sexy.” I took his shirt in my fist and pulled him to me the rest of the way, pressing my lips against his. He wrapped his arms around my waist and I mine around his neck.

Suddenly, the loud car horn made us both jump. Sergi looked back as I looked over his shoulder and Gómez had lowered the window: “Sergi, either you get in now or we’re leaving without you. Make out with your girlfriend on your own time.” He said, really drunk.

Sergi turned around with me in his arms and I laid my hands on his chest, laughing. “You’re not going anywhere. I have to drive you. You’re all drunk as hell.” Gómez dismissed him and raised the window again. Sergi turned to look at me and pressed his lips against mine again. I really didn’t want to let him go but he had to take his friends back home.

I pulled back: “You should go. Your friends are getting impatient.” “You’re right. If I don’t get back there now, one of them will take the wheel and leave me stranded here.” He smiled again and pulled me even closer, making our foreheads touch. “Although I wouldn’t mind that part.” I chuckled but pushed him by his chest. “Go. I’ll see you.” He pecked my lips once more and let go of my hands, walking toward the van. I turned on my heel and went upstairs biting my lip, giddy with emotion.

Carlota’s P.O.V.  

I waited for Ana María in her room. We had to talk about this. I wanted her opinion on this one. She came in with a huge smile on her face and closed the door behind her. “Ana María.” She jumped when she heard her name and put her hand over heart, rolling her eyes. “Carlota. You scared the shit out of me.” She was usually never surprised but Samper definitely had her on a cloud.

“I need your opinion. What should I do about all this?” She sat on the bed with me and took a deep breath. “Listen, if you don’t like Bañuz, you shouldn’t lead him on. Regardless of whatever happens with Marc.” She had a sad look on her face when she looked at me as if she felt sorry for me. “Miguel is so sweet to me but…” “He’s clingy. I know. I don’t know how you take it.” I widened my gaze, agreeing with her. “I can’t. As much as it pains me, I’m calling him right now. It’s not fair for either of us.” I hugged her before stepping out of the room to break up with one of the men I had fallen in love with from afar.  

Vull estar amb tu (I want to be with you): A Sergi Samper Fan FicWhere stories live. Discover now