Chapter One: Absence
Verity Buchanan scanned the small room, it was the annual meeting of the university theatre company. As an exchange student studying drama she had assumed the association would be a good place to join and get some more theatre experience. And join she did. There were lots of people there as she paced the room, looking for someone to talk to.
Jack and Louise stood in the room’s corner. Louise had dragged Jack along, Jack was not a theatre person only going because Louise was her best friend.
“There are a lot of people here,” Jack said as she scanned the room.
“Yeah, it’s a big meeting. I haven’t seen her before,” Louise replied nodding in the girls direction.
“I’m guessing she’s new.”
“I might go and say hello,” Louise said as she walked in the girl’s direction.
“Hi,” she said tapping the girl on the shoulder “...I’m Louise,” she continued.
“Oh, Verity,” said the other girl, extending her hand in greeting.
“You’re not from around here are you?” asked Jack, in a less than nice way.
“Um, well, I’m on exchange from the UK.”
“Ah, that’s cool,” Louise interjected giving Jack a dirty look. Jack wasn’t phased, she wasn’t very good with new people. Louise was always the social butterfly in their friendship. Both Jack and Louise had met during Orientation week at university. Jack had too much alcohol, and Louise helped her as she vomited her guts out behind a port-o-loo. They had been friends ever since.
“You can hang out with us if you would like, it can be awkward being here and knowing no-one,” Louise said. Verity nodded in agreement. Jack had a sinking feeling in her stomach as she watched Verity and Louise get chummy. She didn’t know why but she was definitely unsettled.
A couple of weeks had passed since that meeting and now Verity, Louise and Jack were inseparable. They were planning a big camping trip for an upcoming long weekend where Louise lived. Verity was extremely excited about this as she had never been camping before. As plans were going ahead Jack soon learnt that she couldn’t go, her grandmother had been ill the last few weeks and as Jack’s only caregiver Jack felt responsible to look after her. The women had bonded over several things, art, music, movies and on a deeper lever. All three girls were technically orphaned, Louise brought up through foster care, Verity by her aunt and uncle and Jack with her aforementioned grandmother. The trio were soon inseparable, Jack was surprised with the ease her and Verity had become friends.
“When are you guys coming back?” Jack asked the giggling pair.
“We’ll see you in class on Tuesday. There we will tell you about it,” replied Verity. Jack nodded, she was excited for them but was also disappointed.
“You look more and more like your mother Jacqui,” he grandmother said as she knitted on the couch in the corner of the room. Jack sat on the opposite couch, reading her novel.
“Thanks gran,” she replied.
“Thank you for staying with me over the weekend. I know that no else would have if you hadn’t volunteered. I know you were looking forward to camping…”
“Grandma, it’s okay. These things happen. I’m glad I can spend time with you. You know I love you. Very much.”
“I know darling, I know. But I still wish you would get out more. You have so much potential sweetheart.”