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Xandra's Point of View

     "I'm and tired of your attitude, young lady! Your mother and I have treated you like a princess since you were little! And this is how you treat us!?" Richard, my mother's boyfriend, yelled from downstairs.

     "Shut the Hell up, Richard!" I yelled back at him from my room. "You're not my dad! And you came into my life a year ago, when I was fifteen!" Who does this assfuck think he is? He has no right to yell at me like this. All I did was fail my Living Environment class. I can't see why I'm the only student skipping that class. And along with that, he's also yelling at me because I dyed my hair black. I mean, who wants boring old brown hair?

     "Xandra, sweetie, please promise you'll go to class tomorrow," my mom called up to me. I let out a long sigh.

     "Whatever. Only because you asked me to, mom," I answered back. I flopped onto my bed. They don't understand why I hate Living Environment. No, it's not the normal things like the teachers or the work. It's because of that goody twoshoes, Bunny.

     That girl has never done a single bad thing in her life. She never smoked, skipped class, cussed someone out. And her cheeriness made me want to throw up just by being around her.

     "Don't you 'whatever' us, you ungrateful brat! Now get your ass to sleep!" Richard yelled. Can't this asshole shut the fuck up?

     "And how about you get your ass out of me and my mother's lives!" And I got up and slammed the door and locked it. Richard said a few inaudible words to my mother before storming off to his and my mother's room, slamming the door as well. Talk about anger issues, huh? I then heard a knock at my door.

     "Xandra." It was my mother. "Please. I know this isn't like you. Just please go to class tomorrow." I then heard her walk off to her bedroom with the asshole.

     You know what? Fuck it. I'll go to class tomorrow.

In the morning...

     "Sweetie, aren't you going to eat breakfast?" My mother asked, holding a plate of eggs and pancakes.

     I shook my head and opened the door. "I'm not really that hungry."

     "But you'll-" She was cut off by Richard.

     "Get your ass to school," he said, not taking his eyes off the newspaper. Who even reads the news anymore?

     I narrowed my eyes at him. "Fuck you, too," I said before walking out my house and off to Hell- I mean Highschool.

     I barely even left my front lawn before I heard a familiar and very annoying voice say, "Xandra! Wait up!" With a groan, I turned to face her.

     Her long red hair swayed behind her as she ran, and her red eyes locked with my blue ones. Who gets lucky enough to be born with red eyes? Apparently Bunny. "Can I walk with you?" she asked when she finally caught up with me.

     I crossed my arms and lightly scowled at her. "Don't you usually walk with your brother?"

     "I was gonna, but I woke up late and he doesn't like being tardy," she frowned in response.

     With a long, irritated sigh, I said to her, "Whatever. Let's just go."

In Living Environment class...

     I gripped by stomach and put my head on my desk. You know that gnawing, empty pain you get when you don't eat? Well, that was happening right now. And it was very painful. God, I regret skipping out on breakfast. Another gnawing pain hit me and I hit my closed hand against my desk.

     "Ms. Lockhart!" my teacher snapped. My head shot up and I looked at her, raising an eyebrow in the process. "This is the first time you've been in my class since the first day, so could you please not disrupt the class and make a worse impression of yourself?" I sigh and rested my head in my hands. Two more periods until lunch. I don't think I can last that long.

     I then felt a light tap on my left shoulder. Looking over, I saw a girl with black hair, gorgeous icy blue eyes, and light freckles. She has the majority of my features, minus her freckles. She handed me a bag of Reeses Pieces© with a note taped to it. "Bunny wanted me to give you this," she said in a timid voice.

     I grunted and took the bag and took off the note. It was a pink sticky note that read:

Put a smile on that pretty face
and tame that tummy!
~Bunny ♥♥♥

     I blinked at the note in confusion. She thinks I'm pretty? What's up with the hearts? And who the fuck  says 'tummy' anymore? The real question, though, is how did she know I was hungry? I could've just been on my period and had cramps.

     The bell finally rang and I put the candy in my bag. Hey, I may hate Bunny, but I'm not gonna turn down any free food. Especially when I'm hungry as fuck.

     "Before you leave," the teacher began, "I've assigned you all to a bonding project." The teacher walked over to the door and taped up a paper. "You and your partner will get one of those baby dolls that cry and were themselves. You two will have to handle the stress of caring for a child. I've taped up all of the pairs, so be sure to check the paper before you leave. You are dismissed." The students exited out the door, each skimming through tbe list to find their names before leaving. I shoved myself into the crowd, looking for my name.

Rabbit Sharkley and Jeffery Woods
Zaine Alucard and Lucida Impact
Xandra Lockhart and Bunny Sharkley 

     I nearly fainted.

     This couldn't be happening. Is the universe trying to make my life into complete shit? I immediately was jealous of this 'Lucida' chic who had Zaine as her partner.

     Zaine's the bad boy here at the highschool, and we get along like peanut butter and chocolate. We've been friends since first grade ever since he helped me after I was beaten up pretty badly by this group of guys.  Zaine is basically a guy version of me, but he wears red contacts and he has tatoos of sharp-toothed smiles on the back of his hands, his chest, and his back.

     Bunny, Rabbit, a guy with black hair (probably Jeff), Zaine, and this brunette chic with freckles and nerdy glasses (probably Lucida) were behind me, each giving their own expressions. Rabbit had the exact expression as me, Jeff practically had hearts in his eyes, Zaine looked amused, and Lucida was giving this dorky grin.

     "Looks like we're partners, Xandra!" Bunny said cheerfully. I could out groan and hit my head against the door.

     "Fuck my life," I muttered.

     "You're not the only one suffering," Rabbit deadpanned. Jeff was clinging to Rabbit in a possessive way, and I just couldn't help but laugh a little.

     "Well, I hope you have fun on your project, Amnesia," Zaine smirked, using my nickname he gave me.

     I gave him a death glare, shoved him, and stormed off to my next class.

     This is going to be a very long semester.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 06, 2016 ⏰

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