Shes Coming

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"Baaaabbbbbeeeee!" I whine for Dyl while I lay on the couch watching Grey's Anatomy, that'll be me in a few weeks. I wince in pain as I feel the baby kick and move around in my stomach.

"She moving around in there?" Dyl asks kissing my head as he leans down to put the bowl of ice cream on the table brought up next to the couch.

"When does she ever stop moving." I ask rolling my eyes. As if she heard me talking about her she spreads her legs out.

"Woah. That's sick!" Dylan says lightly touching the little hand mark stretching out of stomach. I just laugh and watch him stare amazed at my stomach.

"You're so cute." I say rubbing my hand through his hair. He looks down at me and leans in to kiss me. Our lips meet for the first time in so long. Our lips move together in sync. The kiss starts to deepen, when I put away.

"Hey, I'm already pregnant here." I say poking his chest.

"That doesn't stop people." Dyl smirks wiggling his eyebrows. I let out a laugh and push him away. He goes back to the kitchen while I go back to my show.


I wake up in the middle of the night to a piercing pain in my stomach area. I quickly sit up grabbing my stomach. I reach over and hit Dylan awake.

"Dyl-" I wince "The baby" I eventually get out.

"Hmmm, ya you're having a baby. Go back to bed." He mumbles as he rolls over covering his head with the pillow. I take the pillow off his head and throw it across the room.

"No Dylan. I'm having the baby. Like, now." I say panting and holding my giant stomach.

"Oh my god!" Dylan yells as he immediately hops up out of bed and picks me up off the bed also. He carries me to the couch and grabs his keys off the counter.

"Ahhh!" I scream in pain. Man this hurts like hell. I feel like someone's slicing open my body, which is kind of happening...

Dylan picks me up again and runs us down to the car. He puts me in the passenger side and quickly hops into the car and starts it up.

"We're having the baby." He says looking over at me and putting his hand on mine before starting to speed our way to the hospital.


@CarterPosey: Welcome to the world Bella May💜

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@CarterPosey: Welcome to the world Bella May💜







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