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This is dedicated thanajurabr and olivesky, you guys are seriously amazing!

Third person POV

"Erik! Where did you put Rose?"

Christine nervously paced around their bedroom, her hands in her hair.

Erik entered the room not a second after her voice called out to him. His face held a smile while his arms carried a sleeping baby.

Christine's face lit up, and she moved quietly towards her husband. "Put her down." She mouthed, motioning towards the other room.

He nodded, and went back, returning moments later. His golden eyes were tired but still filled with love towards the young soprano who was playing the violin with their son, Gustave.

"No darling, that's a sharp not a natural." Gustave's eyes were wide with realization as he corrected his mistake, easily marking it in. In their home, reading music was axiomatic and it was impossible not to know how to read it.

Christine's gaze lifted from her son to the doorway, where the masked figure of her husband stood, smiling down at them. "Gustave, go take a nap." She said warmly, gently ruffling his hair.

He giggled, and ran out of the room joyfully. Christine let out a long, tired sigh of relief. Erik, chuckling, sat down next to Christine, who was collapsed on their bed.

"Mon amour, are you alright?" He asked worriedly. She smiled, shutting her eyes. "I love them do much, but I'm so tired!"

She groaned and rolled over next to Erik, taking his hand. "I love your, mon ange." She whispered, opening her big dark eyes. He touched her face delicately, as if she would shatter at any sudden moment. His eyes searched her face for an answer to how she could love such a hideous man as himself, but found not a trace of resentment or grief on her heavenly face.

"Mon amour, how can you love me?" He asked, wrapping his arms around her waist. He was unaware of her smiling face as she answered, but still held her close.

"Well, my angel, I love you because you are the most amazing man in the world." Her sweet words brought a slight curve to his mouth. "I love you because you give me music that makes the angels in heaven weep." He turned her to face him, and she smiled up at him. " You are my angel of music. And most simply, I love you because you love me!"

With those words, his excitement consumed him and he kissed her deeply. Her surprised thoughts melted away into those of joy. Dreams of love filled her heart as he swept her up into his arms.

"I love that you are so kind and caring towards everyone. I adore you when you laugh. Your smile is more precious than gold of diomands to me, and I will never tire of hearing your empyrean voice." She blushed at his sweet adulation, looking down at the ground, his serious tone making every word sound imperishable.

"And, " He continued, lifting her head towards him, "Are you ready for the new song I wrote you?" He asked, intertwining his fingers with hers.

She gasped in surprised excitement, and nodded silently. He carried her to their music room, and set her down next to the Grand piano. He reached his hand slowly into the box of music as to draw out the growing anticipation in Christine's eyes.

"Close your eyes." He whispered, sending shivers down her spine. She shut them, and moments later she felt thick papers touch her fingertips. She lit up and her eyes shot open, studying the thick packet of music.

"Love Never Dies?"

She drew out the last syllable precariously, looking into her husband's eyes for confirmation. He nodded, and she grabbed his hands, pulling him into a dance. He smirked at her elated state as he guided her across the room, making sure that she didn't so much as brush up against anything but him. Holding the music in her hand, she began to sing his amorous aria.

"Who knows when love begins
Who knows what makes it start
One day it's simply there
Alive inside your heart" 

Erik held his breath as her seraphic voice sent chills down his spine.  Christine's voice always had such an impact on him, it was truly an instrument of God.

"It slips into your thoughts
It infiltrates your soul
It takes you by surprise
Then seizes full control"

She let her eyelids fall, letting the music inside their minds take over as they floated across the room.

"Try to deny it
And try to protest
But love won't let you go
Once you've been possessed"

She opened her eyes, looking deep into Erik's who's eyes had never left her face. A light blush crept up to her pale cheeks as he dipped her, not once looking away. She sang out the next lines, deftly gliding through the magnificently high notes.

"Love never dies
Love never falters
Once it has spoken
Love is yours"

She giggled as Erik spun her around, catching her in his strong arms.

"Love never fades
Love never alters
Hearts may get broken
Love endures
Hearts may get broken
Love endures"

Her gaze shifted to the music, reading it as she sang.

"And soon as you submit 
Surrender flesh and bone
That love takes on a life
Much bigger than your own"

"It uses you at whim                      And drives you to despair              And forces you to feel,
More joy than you can bear"

She smiled at the line, enjoying the feeling of her husband's long fingers stroking her neck. 

"Love gives you pleasure
And love brings you pain
And yet when both are gone
Love will still remain"

Erik pulled her into a passionate embrace, touching her soft brown curls, relishing the fact that she was his and only his. Suddenly, the angel in front of him pulled away, gazing up at him through her thick black lashes.

"Once it has spoken
Love is yours"

Love swelled up in her chest, and she freed it in his powerful notes.

"Love never dies
Love never alters
Hearts may get broken
Love endures
Hearts may get broken"

Erik's heart pumped faster in his chest as his angel sang the aria, which had so desperately been playing in his head, out loud. Not only that, her voice, which he had so deftly crafted, was soaring past heights he could only dream of.

"Love never dies
Love will continue
Love keeps on beating
When you're gone"

Both of them had now gotten hopelessly lost in the melody, dancing in sync to the music of the night.

"Love never dies
Once it is in you
Life may be fleeting
Love lives on
Life may be fleeting"

Suddenly, the pair stopped dancing, simply staring into each other's eyes. Christine's delicate hand slowly raised to her husband's mask and lifted it off. He immediately covered it with his hand, but she gently pushed it aside.

"Love lives on!"

The Opera GhostTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang