"Oh, but it is." She said with a soft smile, touching his arm flirtingly. "'Lijah?"

Kailee blood began to boil as Elena used her nickname for her husband. In anger, Kailee turned the page a bit too brutely, causing everyone to look at her in confusement.

"What?" She snapped, ignoring the wide eyes as she returned to her magazine.

Elena recovered first and went back to flirting with Elijah. "So, 'Lijah, as I was going to ask. How long do you think I need to stay here?"

"Until we have made sure you're safe. That could be days, weeks, months perhaps but I assure you that it will come no where near a year." He assured her.

While Kailee loved her husband for the way he cares about other people, she could kill him at that instant for caring so much about the döppelganger.

Why was she so special? Why did he not pay such attention to her?

Several more questions swarmped her mind until one sentence of Elena caught her attention.

"I'm sure you'll protect me from your mother and be my hero, 'Lijah. You always have been, haven't you?"

"Sorry, button." Kailee apologized before she stormed out. On her way out, she took off the necklace that held her ring and put it on a cupboard that she passed on her way out.

She stormed through the door and disappeared into the woods.

Elijah felt guilty. He only put up with what Elena did just now because he thought- he hoped- that it would make Kailee jealous and do something but instead she did nothing and kept her expression straight until it became too much for her.

It shouldn't have become too much for her. He should've stopped it in time and make sure she didn't burst like this. By the way she apologized to Rebekah, she made it sound like she wasn't coming back and that was not what he wanted.

Ever since he met his little sister's friend, he couldn't help but feel a deep connection with her. He thought she wouldn't go for him because his age and what people would think but couldn't shake her off either so he decided to be selfish for once and chase after the girl.

That was easier said than done because said girl was always in the company of that boy, Alexander or the boy that resembled his brother so much. Always, she had company and he never could make a hit.

Than his mother came back and Elena needed protection and he heard Kailee would come over. In a rash decision, he decided to make her jealous and flirt with Elena. It was a stupid and childish move, he knew but he didn't know what else to do.

As soon as he heard the door slam shut behind her, he looked at his sister who threw him an accusing glare before getting on his feet and leaving a confused döppelganger behind him.

Walking past the cupboard, he noticed the leather chain on it and frowned as he knew it was not one of his sibling's jewelry.

It had to be Kailee's.

Picking it up, he looked at the ring and gasped as memories filled him. One in particular.

The newlywed couple was sitting at their spot near the lake, looking in each others eyes. They had been married for two days and Kailee was telling her husband a story of a tradition from where she came from.

"Where I come from, we exchange rings when we marry. A ring is a complete circle and it is to represent your life together. I thought it would be nice to do it here as well, if you'd agree?"

"Of course, my love. I think it is a splendid idea." Elijah had said, taking her hand and leading her to the smith.

They had asked him to make them rings, and since he still needed to cash in a favor with Kailee, he did it for free.

At sunset, the couple was at the lake again and exchanging rings.

"Is there another tradition where you're from? Something to go along with the rings?"

"Yes, vows. I can go first, if you'd like?" She suggested to which he nodded. "Normally the man goes first, but we're far from normal, are we?"

He chuckled and nodded. "Yes, we are. Please, do tell me your vows."

"Elijah Mikealson, I have known you for three months only but I feel like I have known you forever. You came into my life as a whirlwind and stole my heart the moment I saw you. 'Lijah, you are the love of my life and I can not imagine my life without you." She smiled as she placed the ring at his finger. "Elijah Mikealson, with this ring I vow to love you, every day without bounds, to be loyal to you and our love, to laugh with you when you're happy, support you when you need it and to guide you when you need my help and ask for it. To have and to hold, until eternity."

"Now, I say something like that as well?" Elijah asked and continued when she nodded. "Kailee Mikealson, you have been a light to me when I was in the dark and I love you for it. You have stolen my heart and you did not even know it. Kailee Mikealson, with this ring I vow to love you, every day without bounds, to be loyal to you and our love, to laugh with you when you're happy, support you when you need it and to guide you when you need my help and ask for it. To have and to hold, until eternity."

With a smile, they both put the rings on the other's finger and kissed each other.

Elijah blinked a few times and noticed he was back in the present. He knew what that was and knew who Kailee was but at that moment, he only knew one thing.

He needed to find his wife. 





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