Wedding Time

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Chapter 2

Kate's POV

It was eight months later after a lot of wedding planning later that the day finally came. I was so nervous and if vampires could cry I would be right now out of nervousness. Rosalie and Alice did my hair and makeup as the others scurried around behind me.

The bridesmaids consisted of Tanya, Carmen, Rosalie, Alice, and Bella then little Renesmee who looked the age of 11 now who I guys wasn't that little anymore would be flower girl.

Once Alice and Rosalie were finally done making me up Tanya, and Carmen helped me with my dress which I have been in love with since I saw it. I just hoped that Garrett will like it just as much as I do it looked like this

"You look beautiful Kate." Carmen said as she straightened out the back of my dress.

"Thank you." I say sheepishly.

I walk out of the bathroom with Tanya, and Carmen and everyone immediately started telling me how pretty I looked. Nessie came up to me with big brown chocolate eyes.

"You look beautiful auntie Kate." she exclaimed smiling her perfect white teeth gleaming.

"Thank you Ness. You look very pretty yourself" I say pulling her into a hug.

She wore

The other girls wore

We heard someone knock on the door and turned to see Emse.

"Ready to go?" she asked smiling sweetly.

We all followed her out as the girls go in there places with there mates except Tanya who would walk me down the aisle. I know it should probably be someone else but my parents are dead and we've been sisters for million. The music started and I tensed nervously, but felt Tanya give me a comforting squeeze and gave me warming smile.

"You'll do fine." she whispered, and I nodded nervously.

Soon it was our turn to walk down and I held my breath even though I didn't need to. I put a smile on my face as we walked down the chairs consisted of all the covens from the witnessing even Nauhel and his aunt, then the shape-shifters.

When we got to the end Tanya passed me off to Garrett. Who looked like this

I smiled brightly at him as he gave me his handsome grin which could have made my knees buckle like every time. We said our vows then we slipped each others rings on. When we kissed was the best yet out of all of them.

Now me and Garrett would be together Forever.


AN: Will try and update tomorrow. 

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