Sara smelled her shirt. "Is it that strong?"

"Oh yeah." Lisa laughed.

"I mean it's not that bad of a smell, but for one day out of the week I would like to not smell like I just took a bath in coffee."

"How do you deal with it? Like the rude customers and all." Lisa said leaning foward.

"Well, it's something you never get use to. Normally I want to slap them, but that's against 'employee violations'." Sara making quotations with her fingers.

"I would've been fired." Lisa smiled.

"They're not all bad. Like today, this guy, he came in and was being so impatient, had a smart remark for everything I had to say."

"Don't you have the right to refuse service?"

"Well, yeah..but he was also very attractive." Sara said the last part a little lower.

The two girls laughed.

"Hey Lisa." Said a guy with light brown hair and glasses as he took a the other seat next to Lisa.

"Hey Hartley." Lisa said facing him.

Lisa and Hartley started chatting when Sara felt a hand lightly tap her shoulder.

Sara turned and saw Barry with Cisco and Caitlin taking the seats next to him.

"Hey Barry."

"Hey, Sara. Who's your new friend?" He said nodding his head towards Lisa.

Sara turned towards Lisa and saw another girl join Lisa and Hartley. From what Sara knows, her name is Shawna?

"That's Lisa. She just started this class."

Sara turned back towards her friends in time to see Cisco's face slowly twist into hatred.

"What's he doing here?" Cisco said jabbing his thumb towards Hartley.

"Well it's a pleasure to see you too, Ciscito." Hartley smirked.

"He's Lisa's friend." Sara said stepping between the two.

"Who's Lisa?" He said as his eyes slowly landed on Lisa.

Sara swore she saw Cisco's jaw hit the floor.

"Hello to you too." Lisa said adding a bit of flirtation to her tone. "Cisco?"

Caitlin grabbed Cisco's chin and slowly closed it.

"Sorry for keeping you guys waiting." Dr. Wells announced as he entered the room. "My daughter was running late today."

*****After class*****

"Sorry about Hartley." Lisa said coming up to Sara as they exited the room. "He has a hard time making friends sometimes."

"Oh, no. It's fine. I'm pretty sure Cisco was over the line too."

"Speaking of which, Do you know if he's single?" Lisa said walking towards the parking lot.

"Yeah, I think don't like him, do you?" Sara said scrunching her eyebrows.

"He's cute." Lisa smirked.

Sara saw a flash of resemble from Lisa to someone else, when she smirked, but couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"I'm pretty sure he's single, but gross." Sara laughed.

Lisa shrugged. "I'll see you tomorrow?"

"Yeah," Sara said slowly. "If you want, we're all going to see a movie tonight. You can come of you want."

"Sure! Think it's alright if I bring a friend or two?"

"Yeah, it's fine." Sara said taking out her phone. "What's your number so I can tell you where to meet?"

Sara handed Lisa her phone.

Lisa returned Sara's phone.

"Call it and make sure it's right? I'm not good at remembering my number." Lisa chuckled.

Sara dialed the number and heard a faint ringing coming out of Lisa's bag.

Lisa grabbed her phone and shut it off.

"Got it." Lisa smiled. "I'll text you later."

"Bye, Lisa!"

"See you later, Sara." Lisa I'd opening her car.

Don't know how I feel about this chapter. :/ sorry there's no Sara and Len interactions in it!

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