Chapter 5

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The following Natalie was back and Arianna was at her house, they we're talking about Kevin Stoner and Natalie was showing her all the emails he had sent her “I think this guy might actually like you”

“Yeah, I hope so, only that I found out he has a girlfriend, so I don't know where we stand, he still flirts with me and all but he's still with his girlfriend so I don't know what he's thinking, honestly I just don't wanna get hurt, so I'm not really gonna keep my hopes up”

“I get where you're coming from and I know you don't wanna get hurt, so just find out what he wants before we go any further and then we’ll be sure about what to do next ok?”

“Yeah, you're right I'll ask him when I talk to him next, cuz honestly I don't wanna be led on”

“I heard there was a party at Mike’s tomorrow, so we should totally go and you’ll get your mind off things and we can have fun definitely, what do you say?”

“Yeah I'm sure it wouldn’t be so bad besides I can get the pressure off my shoulders”

Arianna didn’t tell Natalie that Harry was going to be at the party because she didn’t want it to be suspicious but secretly she couldn’t wait to see him and she didn’t know why but she was just anxious.

The next day they were getting ready at Arianna’s house and Arianna decided to wear a black dress that was at the middle of her thighs she didn’t want to go over the top with something shorter, she wore heels and did her make up before they left the house. They got to Mike’s house and it was packed, Mike was popular and he always had parties so a lot of people went, they went inside and before she knew it they began dancing because it was their favourite song and as she was dancing she felt hands snake around her waist, she was about to panic when the person spoke “Hey” it was Harry she was relieved “Hey, you scared me was about to panic”

“Sorry wanted to surprise you” he said chuckling and they continued dancing, she began to grind on him and he held her tighter as she continued to grind harder, at the corner of her eye she saw Irena looking at them and she was smirking, God she wasn’t going to hear the end of it, she just pushed it aside and enjoyed the moment dancing with Harry, after about three more songs he took her hand and they went outside where it was less crowded and they sat down “So how’ve you been, couldn’t wait to see you” he said, she blushed secretly she was happy to hear that “I've been good how has school been?”

“It’s been good, I see Natalie a lot and I've got friends around so it's good”

“Cool” she said looking down, she didn’t want him to see her blush because she was happy that he was with her. “Arianna..”

“Hmm?” she answered looking up and before she knew what was happening he pressed his lips to hers slowly, she froze, he stopped to see her reaction but what surprised her was that she kissed him back slowly at first and then the kiss became more intense and hard, they broke apart for air and she blushed and hid her face so that he wouldn’t see, he then turned her face to him and he kissed her again but gently before pulling back and standing up, stretching his hand for her to take, they were both silent as they walked back into the house but it wasn’t awkward silence it was more of a comfortable silence, but then it hit her, he had a girlfriend was he cheating on his girlfriend with her, she hoped not because she didn’t want to be that girl, when they got back inside he then said “I'm coming be right back ok” she nodded and went to stand with Rebecca before he came back and they got into a conversation “So I saw you dancing with Harry, whats up with that?”

“It was nothing, he actually surprised me, didn’t know he was going be here” she lied smoothly, surprised that she could actually lie like that. After a few minutes she was starting to get edgy, when he didn’t come back, after another fifteen minutes she decided to go look for him, she didn’t go far when she spotted him but he wasn’t alone he was dancing with another girl and she was grinding on him, he then bent and kissed the girl, Arianna gasped and when he broke the kiss he looked up and looked straight into her eyes before the girl pulled him down for another kiss, Arianna retreated slowly she started to feel numb, she looked for Natalie to tell her she was leaving because she couldn’t stand being there anymore, she felt like crying but she wouldn’t let anyone see her cry, she found Natalie talking to Mike they had always been close “Natalie can I walk to you for a minute please”

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