Chapter Sixteen

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Matt spread his arms out into a hugging gesture when he got out of the car to make his way over here. I all but skipped there in a happy trance. It felt good to have a bit of joy.

His arms circled my lower back, and he pulled me so my chest flattened against his so tightly I struggled to breathe. I tried to pull away when he shifted his face close to mine as if he were thinking about kissing me.

"No way, no." I moved my face to the other side. "You can't kiss me."

He blinked with his arms still hung loosely around my waist. "Why can't I?"

"I'm seeing Joshua," I replied, hoping that he didn't ask too many questions.

Neither Joshua nor I had had the dating chat yet, but it felt like the right thing to say in the moment. I wanted to be honest and upfront.

"The army guy?"

I frowned up at him and pushed gently at his chest to get him to release me. A streak of something unkind pushing through me. "You know who Joshua is. Don't be a dickhead. And I thought we were clear on our boundaries now."

"I'm not being a dickhead and we are clear," he said on a chuckle, eyes softening. "So, you're dating each other?"

I nodded, my lips stretching into a small smile. "We're seeing where it goes. Friends first."

"You like him, don't you?" he replied, teasing in his tone.

"Yeah, I do. There's just something about him."

He whistled and tipped his head back to look at the sky. "Look at that soft expression. My girl found the one?"

"I've known him five bloody minutes!"

His grin was almost insufferable. "Yeah, watch this space."

I moved towards his car and let myself into the front passenger seat while I let him know I needed a ride home.

The one... yeah, right?


Joshua ran his hand through his hair for the fifth time, fiddling with the ends in the rearview mirror. We were sitting stationary in the car outside his parent's house while he built up the courage to go inside. Megan and Damon were already in there, but it was taking Joshua longer to get out of the car. I pulled down the sun visor and checked my makeup for the third time.

"Your hair looks good," I said, wiping under my eye where my mascara had magically run. "Just like the other times you checked."

He sighed. "I'm stalling, aren't I?"

"Yeah, just a bit. Do you think we can go inside? I keep seeing your mum's head popping up behind the front window," I replied, watching the curtains twitch once more.

"Might as well get it over with then," he grumbled, unclipping his seatbelt.

We got out of the car and I fiddled with my maxi skirt while I waited for him to lock it, not letting on that I knew he was purposefully stalling again by pressing the key several times. I took hold of his hand as we strolled up the long driveway, giving him an encouraging little smile every time he glanced down at me.

Joshua's hand squeezed mine extra hard when his mum, Trisha, shot out from her hiding spot in the hallway when we stepped through the door. "For God's sake," he hissed, which caused me to place my palm on his back.

"Josh," she breathed out with tears already rolling down her cheeks. "My baby boy is finally home."

He refused to let me go. "Mother."

My Lost Hero (Angels of War Series #1) REWRITING 2024Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat