My Dreams and I

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Hi this is my first story on here. I enjoy making up stories, but this might not be good. So maybe... Follow for follow?
I'll probably not even get any followers anyway, but I don't care cos I love writing. If you have any suggestions, you can tell me in the comments. If anyone reads this of course.


Chapter One-My Dreams and I

My name is Amy, and I've been having weird dreams lately, not that it matters anyway, but they're all about one thing. One person. They're starting to worry me.

I see the loveliest, deepest blue eyes looking at me. There's red lips that tell me that they love me and want to be with me forever. An ovalish shaped face with pale complexion that links it all up, if you get what I mean. He holds me close and we stand in the sunset, gazing at the miles and miles of sea in front of us. I feel safe in his arms. I feel like I can forget all my worries and live a life without them.

Then I wake up and I realise that life isn't like that. Love doesn't come easily, neither does happiness, but without sadness we wouldn't know what it's like to be happy, without hate we wouldn't know love. And without him, I wouldn't know life.

I personally think I sounded really mature in that, but I don't know. That was only my opinion. I was just thinking about him when I realised that  I had never spoken his name. I meant that I always thought about this guy as him and I had never spoken his name out loud either. I want to reveal his secret identity to myself mentally, but it's honestly really difficult. I'm not ready for this yet.

Another dream; this time a daydream:

I am lying on the emerald grass gazing at the stars at twilight. All the constellations are words. I won't reveal the ones closest to my heart, but his name is in the middle, only I can't quite read it. I move closer, it disappears, and moves to a different place, like a rainbow. I will never be able to read it, but maybe when I am ready, maybe if we ever meet again, my mind will become clear, and so will his name.

Lost in Dreams-A Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now