Time Will Tell - Epilogue and author's note

Beginne am Anfang

Of course, no Derby would be complete without the horses. Diomed won the first Epsom Derby in England on May 4, 1780, the same race the Kentucky Derby was fashioned after.  He was later sold to an American and he set the stage for the beginning of the American Thoroughbred.  Lexington (1850 –1875) carried his blood.  Aristide won that first Kentucky Derby back in 1875 and his dam was sired by Lexington.  Lexington is probably one of the most famous thoroughbreds in the history of American thoroughbred racing. In 1866 Woodburn Farms bought him from Richard Ten Broeck for fifteen thousand dollars, an unheard of amount in 1866, but not as much as the millions of dollars Kentucky thoroughbreds sell for today.  Fifty-two of the first sixty-one derby winners carried Lexington’s blood.  The champion sired six-hundred colts or fillies.  Of these, two hundred and sixty were winners.  During his reign, he was dubbed as “the most successful stallion in History.”


About The Author

Sandy Loyd is a Western girl through and through. Born and raised in Salt Lake City, she's worked and lived in some fabulous places in the US, including South Florida. She now resides in Kentucky and writes full time. As much as she loves her current hometown, she misses the mountains and has to go back to her roots to get her mountain and skiing fix at least once a year, otherwise her muse suffers.

As a sales rep for a major manufacturer, she’s traveled extensively throughout the US, so she has a million stored memories to draw from for her stories. She spent her single years in San Francisco and considers that city one of America's treasures, comparable to no other city in the world. Her California Series, starting out with Winter Interlude, are all set in the Bay Area.

Sandy is now an empty nester.  Time Will Tell is the first in a series of connecting historical romances as well as a couple of contemporary romances. To date, she has published eight books besides Time Will Tell—four contemporary romances and four romantic mystery/suspense /thrillers. She strives to come up with fun characters—people you would love to call friends. And we all know friends have their baggage and when we discover what makes them tick, we come to love them even more. She doesn't skimp on the romance. And because she loves puzzles, she doesn't skimp on intrigue, either. Yet whether romantic suspense or contemporary romance, she always tries to weave a warm love story into her work, while providing enough twists and turns to entertain any reader. 

Bonus Read 

Games – Book Two in the Timeless Series

Below is an excerpt of Games, a historical set in Kentucky in the months preceding the first running of the Kentucky Derby.

Simon led Giselle into the library and over to the table with four chairs in one section of the large room.

While walking to the bar, he asked, “What game would you like to play?”

Giselle giggled and Simon grinned. “Maybe I should rephrase my question. Before I do, though, would you like a glass of sherry?”

Non,” she said, bestowing a wide smile and a firm shake of her head. “I want what you are drinking.”

Lifting an eyebrow, Simon met her gaze. “Isn’t that a bit strong?”

Non, you forget I lived in Paris. I have come to love French brandy. Bourbon is not much different.” At his scoff, she countered, “What? You do not believe me?”

“No. It’s not that.” He laughed and poured two stiff drinks. “I believe you. I just wonder how well you hold your liquor.”

“Why not bring the drink over here, Simon, and I will show you. Bring the bottle, too. We may need reinforcements.”

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