Back to school tag

94 13 22

I was tagged by Bookbird92703
Btw, thanks for tagging me <3
Oh and also, since I live in Asia and stuff, so school started a LONG time ago. But then again, I'm still gonna do it. (I also forgot to mention that I'm homeschooled as well)

1. I have been homeschooled for my whole life, this made me not talk to ppl that much so when I grew older, It was a struggle to make friends. (Still am)
2. Math.
3. Sometimes I have to watch some videos because of science, when I watch those videos, I cringe. I cringe real hard.
4. My dad gets frustrated at me when I get dumb. (He teaches me btw)
5. It's always so hot when I study. Like i'ma just be doing some English and then out of no where, the eff-ing sun just comes at me!

1. I don't have to wake up early 😍
2. I don't have homework 😏
3. My dad is probably the best teacher for me.
4. I study outside so I always get to see my doggies. (Love 'em)
5. I have super long breaks.

Anyways, that was it! She also said to tag 10 ppl so i'ma do that right now. Btw, i'm just gonna do 5 because I hardly know anyone here on wattpad. Sad right?
I hope you guys do it <3

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