Starting new

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Lynn asked the boys if she could sing a little.
Alex: yeah let's hear what you got
Lynn: "I'm hoping you weren't heaven sent
Cause only hell knows where you've been
Your built composure's wearing thin
And all your walls are caving in
Before you shut this down
I just wanna lift you up
I'll take all this love I found
And I hope that it's enough"

The boys were super impressed. Alexa just stood there and started at Lynn with the biggest smile.

A couple hours later Alexa and he band were ready to perform and Lynn was front row. All these girls were screaming to Alexa "I love you" "your so fucking hot" Lynn started to get jealous and she thought were not even dating but I feel like very protective over her.

The next day I walked to school and met up with Alexa. She grabbed my hand and gave me a kiss on the check. Once agin I got butterflies. I love our high school that we go to because every one is super expecting. Onceme and Alexa got to our first period we sat down and just started talking until a girl came up to me and started flirting with me she asked for my number. Alexa was getting upset. Alexa told the girl in your fucking dreams this is my girl so leave. The girl just gave us a dirty look and walked away. After she left I questioned Alexa. So I'm you girl now ? Alexa just smiled and said duhhhh but I still have to ask u officially. Then Lynn said not if I beat u to it haha. Lynn wanted to do something super cute to ask Alexa out but she need some help planning

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 26, 2016 ⏰

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