Chapter 2

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"Hey! Sam!" Dean shook his brother awake, making him groan in annoyance. "Got another one, and it ain't pretty."

Sam hurried and got ready before meeting his brother in the car. They quickly drove to the destination, a small house. The police were there, along with a crowd of confused and frightened citizens. Lifting up their fake yet legitimate FBI badges, the police let them enter the scene.

A short man eating a donut walked up to them. "I'm special agent Jay and this is special agent Kay," Dean spoke, lifting up his badge while Sam did the same.

"Sheriff Blubbs," the man said, shaking Dean's and Sam's hands. "Didn't think the FBI would get involved. Thought the last case you guys did here was enough."

"Last time?" Sam asked, curious as to what happened.

"Sorry, agent, we're not supposed to talk about that," Blubbs said quickly. Sam and Dean shared a look, knowing that this case was definitely for them. Something about the way this town behaved put them on edge. Just the amount of secrecy and suspicious glares they got from the townsfolk was enough.

Blubbs led them over to the body, a teenager whose stomach was torn open. "According to the coroner, he was missing a few organs. Kidneys I believe. Or spleen. Ah well, it was some kind of organ."

Dean just nodded while Sam took notes. "Mind if we take a look around?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, of course. Take as much time as you need," the Sherriff affirmed before leaving them to their work.

Dean took out his EMF, scanning it around the crime scene. Meanshile, Sam was looking at the body. Various cuts and bruises littered it, along with what appeared to be bite marks. A trail of blood left the poor young man and went into the woods. Using the tip of his pen, he lifted up his bloody shirt to reveal a huge gash on the side of his stomach.

"Sam," he heard Dean call for him. Standing up, he walked over to his brother, careful not to step on any evidence. Once there, he looked to see what he had found.

On the ground was a black, gooey substance. It looked like blood, but not at the same time. Taking the tip of his pen, Sam picked up a bit. He rose it up so that he and Dean could see it.

"Can't be ectoplasm. There wasn't any EMF," Dean stated. Sam nodded. Taking one last look, he walked over to the sheriff, who was talking to his deputy. Whatever it is they were talking about, they were laughing and smiling quite a bit.

"Sheriff," Dean said, getting his attention. Blubbs turned around to address them.

"Yes, agent?" He coughed, trying to contain his laughter. His deputy hobbled away from the group in the meantime.

"Can you tell us anything else about what's been going on around here?" Dean asked, hoping to get more information to narrow down the monster doing this.

"Well, agent, I believe there was only one other incident like this. We found a young man a few days ago stabbed to death and chunks of some kind of organ near his body," Blubbs explained, pushing his sunglasses up the bridge of his nose.

Sam and Dean looked at each other quizzically for a moment, connecting the dots to find a pattern. "How long has this been going on for?" Sam asked. Since the sheriff didn't sound too shocked by this, he'd assumed this has been going on for a while. For a small town like this, it made him curious as to why they were acting as if this was the norm.

"Well if my recollection is correct, we've had six victims in the past two weeks. Now the demographics vary but they're all under 25 years of age," Blubbs explained.

"Well, if you do find anything, let us know," Sam said, handing the sherriff a card with their fake identities and phone numbers.

"Will do. You two have a nice day, now." Sam and Dean nodded, thanking him before heading back to the impala.

Getting in the car, they strapped in their seat belts and headed back to their room. "What kind of ectoplasm doesn't give off any EMFs?!" Dean sat on his bed while Sam sat at the table. They both thought long and hard about what to do next. Seeing as they can't do anything until they hear back on the crime scene or another body pops up, they're at a dead end.

Sam pursed his lips, having a small thought. "Maybe we could call Ca-"

"No!" Sam was cut off by a sudden outburst from Dean. He got up from his bed, pointing at Sam. "We do not need to call him. You know that if we call he's not going to show up for who knows how long!"

"Dean, what other choice do we have?! We should at least try!" He tried reasoning with his older brother.

"Forget it Sam, we are not calling him!" Sitting on the edge of his bed once more, Dean rubbed the bridge of his nose before emitting an agitated groan.

"How about we check out the Mystery Shack? Maybe someone there has seen something," Sam wondered, checking a map of the area to see where it is. "Dean, it's in the middle of the forest! They ought to have seen something! Maybe a kid or someone."

"Or something," Dean added.

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