(02) Hell Makes You Do Things

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"Did you have those nightmares again?"

His sudden question catches me off guard and I don't feel like answering such an embarrassing thing. Since I got here I've had the same nightmare over and over, while most have different ones like their family being killed, mine have been the same. The same darkness and abrupt pain in my chest every time I close my eyes and drift to sleep.

"No." I lied.

"Liar." He chuckles, but I don't respond because his chuckle sends a flash of heat through my chest.

"Zero?" I ask after a few moments of silence. He answers with a muffled hum. During our time of not speaking he laid his head back against the small pillow and pulled me beside him. Sitting up I place one hand oh his hard chest and the other against mine.

His chest feels like fire while mine is cold to the touch. If I'm in hell can't I at least have something similar to everyone one beside the fact that we're all fucked and cursed to suffer forever?

"Who are you?" I ask causing his chest to stop moving for a few seconds. I pull my hand away fearing he'd get angry.

"Let me rest. It's rude to wake someone during a nightmare, don't you know?" He jokes, but some how I think he's being serious. Zero's jokes aren't very funny, they usually are all the truth and the cold dark truth I don't want to face.

"It's rude to ignore someone's question." I fire back at him and I immediately regret it. My hands slap up to my mouth, covering my lips as my eyes widen.

What the hell Daisy?! Snap the fuck out of it and chill out before you get beaten for disrespecting a customer.

To my surprise Zero doesn't say anything and actually falls asleep which sends an awful idea into my head. My hand slowly reaches up to his face, making sure not to touch it. The details in his black mask sink into my mind.
(Image of the mask above, but the other side would be covered to where his nose ends and the eyes would be covered)

The beautiful design and swirls on the mask made my longing stronger, so strong I'm sure everyone else could feel, but they'd think it's mother part of the lustful sex happening around us.

I pulled my bottom lip between my teeth and bit down, trying not to let out any sound. My fingertips softly touched the edge of the mask as I leaned forward. Slowly and carefully I pulled the mask upward reveling his nose.

"Dare to finish little flower?"

His deep voice startled me causing my hand to pull back quickly into my chest, my eyes closing in few. A loud roar came from his lips as I slowly opened my eyes. As my eyes opened I realized why he sounded so angry, in my hand was the mask I was so fond of, but hated. Quickly looking up Zero's face his covered with one of his large hands while the the other tries to cover mine. His long curls fall in front of his hand while his finger separate trying to see where he needs to cover.

His bright green eyes sends a most welcomed haunting feeling through my body causing my body to push away from his. The mask in my hand presses tightly against my chest as I stand up and step towards the large window with a long ledge.

"Give it back!" He demanded with a roar. He stood messily, nothing like his usual self, being sure to keep his face covered.

I want to give it back, I do! But I can't! I have to see more, I need to see more. I've been waiting for so long to see his face!

I shake my head rapidly. My long hair getting in my face, but nothing like the curls that covered his.

"Daisy, I need it back. Give it back to me and I won't tell." Slowly he stepped towards me causing me step back, the back of my legs pressed to the ledge.

"If you come any closer I'll throw it out the window." I threaten. I can't believe the words coming from my mouth, I'd never say anything like this to Zero.

"You're getting me angry." He growls at me.

"I just want to see your face." I beg. My hand reaches up to face, slowly covering my left eye. "That's all I want, don't you see?!" I almost scream a laugh coming out at the end. "Don't you wanna be with me? Wouldn't you like to be yourself near me, we could be the normal people here!" I laugh loudly my hand pulling away from face as my eyes sting.

"Daisy." I can tell by the tone in his voice that he's trying to soothe me, but it only makes it worse. Suddenly hot tears drip down my face and land onto the mask and drop onto my shaky hand. "This isn't you, it's hell, it makes you do things. Just calm down."

"Calm down?!" I laugh, the pain in my chest growing. My shaky hands bring the mask up to my view and I feel like screaming out at the amount of pain in my body. "I'm dead! Do you know how to feels to not know how I died? I had a baby brother I loved, a family I belonged to! I- I know I did bad things and I wasn't a good girl, but I didn't deserve to die! Why am I here?!" My voice slowly raises into a a scream and I smash my hands down, but the loud sound of a crash echoes through my ears causing me to stop my tears and look down. There on the ground lay a cracked black mask.

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