Solomon wisely made himself scarce.

After a shower and brief nap, she picked up the portrait and went to her workshop (the attic).

She set to work quickly, using her anger to complete the master piece. She cross examined it for flaws.

Her mind went back to how he had paid $5000 for her ruined painting. It was the least she could do to give him an accurate self portrait.

The painting was so life-like , it was almost a picture. She had accurately captured the charming smile and sparkling eyes which belonged to Jeremy Cox. The flirtatious, sexy and irresistible bundle of surprises. She curved those thoughts as they came. He was still a player. And probably a well known fuckboy.

She causally went back to her room and collapsed on her bed. She pulled out her sketch pad and began to draw him, that night as he sat in their living room, talking and laughing.

As it began to take shape, she briefly wondered how she could accurately remember such details but was useless in her history class. She was able to call the scene up perfectly in her head and soon had the recreation of it on her sketch pad.

She started to look through her sketch pad. Drawings of random people, dogs, places and so on. She got to her angry drawing of Sylvie. What a beautiful sister she had. Next was the vulnerable Jeremy in the tree. So cute!

Her mind went back to how Sylvie had told her to steer clear of Jeremy. In a way she was glad she hadn't listened. At least now she had more friends than she'd ever had before - even if her friend was a relentless flirt.

"Oh my gosh, I forgot how huge your house is!" Sylvie said, entering Jeremy's home.

Her dad's car was parked in the driveway and she had forgotten happily that there was a person named Sasha to pick up.

Jeremy smiled at her. He only brought girls here for one reason - and she was no exception.
He laced his fingers with hers and tugged her gently to his room.

Sylvie followed like she was in a trance. She was in a sort of trance. When he came close, or held her or even breathed at her it made her want to rip her clothes off and jump into his arms.

They started off slowly, just kissing and touching. But then the tempo increased as her cheerleading uniform disappeared and his shirt went off.

She caught her breath at the sight of him shirtless. It was like he was sculpted. He grinned when he followed her gaze.

"What? Too much to handle?" He joked as he drew her closer. Her knees felt like jelly so she leaned into him, using him as a support.

For Sylvie, this ranked as the best evening of her life. Their sex rocked her world. When they were done, even as she was exhausted, she wanted more and more and more and more. She cuddled closer to him, running her hand lightly up and down his warm body.

Jeremy was satisfied. Sylvie was a beautiful girl with a beautiful body. But he didn't feel much for her. It felt like just any other girl. He could close his eyes and any other girl he'd ever slept with would come to mind.

So rather than entertain those thoughts, he stared at the ceiling. He still wanted the night sky. He hadn't asked Sasha yet... In a way he was scared to ask because she might just say no. Who would want to spend their time and effort on that? She was so unpredictable.

Sylvie got up to use the bathroom. As she came back out, she noticed an odd painting on the wall. After staring at it for a while, she realized what it was meant to be. A sunset. But it was murky and paint had run, destroying the view.

"Why do you have this crap on your wall?" She joked, turning to look at Jeremy. His eyes left the ceiling to look at her naked body then at the painting.

He smiled.

"I'll have you know, that piece of crap cost me $5000."
She gasped and faced the painting again. "Sasha told me that someone bought her ruined painting for $5000. Was you, right?"

He grunted in reply. It made him seem sappy, buying a ruined painting, but he didn't care.
Sylvie ran her fingers long the painting till she came to a part at the bottom right side.

"Sasha always puts her initials on the bottom right of her stuff but she likes to disguise them so no one can tell it's there till they go looking for it."

He stood up and went to check. He wrapped his hands round her, from behind and kissed her neck softly. His eyes were on the painting though. He noticed the intricate S. S. Which camouflaged perfectly with the back ground.

"That's nice." He said. He let his finger trail from her hair to her breasts, which he cupped in his hands.
She moaned and turned around, dragged him to the bed.
They had sex again.

"Is today Friday?" She asked, sitting up suddenly. Her hair was messy, her lips swollen and her body was warm and glowing. The eyeliner was still in place though.

He nodded, not leaving his spot on the bed.

"Shit, I have to go."

"Family dinner?"


She began to put on her clothes and he watched her get dressed.

"Jeremy... I know I shouldn't think deeply into what we just did but is there any chance that you actually like me and just didn't want to have sex only?" The words stumbled out of her mouth.

He shook his head slowly.

"Yeah, I thought so as well." She looked deflated as she spoke.

Jeremy felt a small tinge of pity. This was Sasha's sister. He couldn't hurt her like he hurt other girls. But he didn't want her getting the wrong idea.

"Well, it was nice hanging with you. Anytime you need someone to have sex with, I'm available." She said before leaving the room.
She felt like drop kicking herself. Even as she knew he didn't like her, she still wanted him. And she had said as much. She didn't like to mince words.

But she  still felt like a slut as she drove away in her dad's car.

So yeah that just happened 😳. I'm just gonna be over here like 🐸☕️. I can't wait for Jesha to finally break through!!!!
Anyhow, by the powers vested in me by Wattpad, I hereby dedicate this chapter to the one and only avacass for being a rocking human being! She votes and she comments like nobody's business. Thanks so much avacass for doing that. It literally means the world 🌍.
To the rest of you, my lovely readers, just wanna say thanks sooooo muuuccchhh for reading 😃 and I would really appreciate your votes and comments.
See ya!
Mega loads of love

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