"Me too!" He said in Korean. "i taught myself english when i was younger" he switched back to english

"Yeah, ever since i was ten i wanted to move to Seoul so i knew that i needed to know Korean so i also taught myself."

"That's awesome!"

I took a look at the bit of face i could see than i realized. He. is. rap. Monster. From fucking BTS! My face must have changed when I realized i just met my idol because all he was "I know, i'm rapmon." He looked a bit disappointed.

"Wow this is super awesome!" I said "Well it's really nice to meet you," i held out my hand"

As soon as i said nice to meet you he looked a lot happier " Nice to meet you Y/N."

"Well,Y/N , thanks for not screaming out that i'm on the plane. I had one person do that once and the whole plane ride people we crowding around us and we had to change seats so we were all together."

"Is the rest of BTS here?" I asked.


"Why are you not sitting with them?"

" We got our tickets too late for us all to sit together. You trying to get rid of me"i could tell he was smiling at his comment because his eyes.

"No,no,no!" I said franticly "I was just wondering."

"I was just joking" he giggled " anyways, what is your profession? Because you know mine."

"Well, since i just finished up high school i'm actually doing college online. One day I want to be a music producer. I actually applied for a paid internship at big hit. If i get the job i would just be an assistant at concerts and stuff but i could be promoted."

"Thats awesome! I wonder if we will be working together one day, that would be fun!"

"Yeah, it would be" I smiled.

We kept up the banter for what seemed like hours when I felt sleepy "I think i'm going to *Yawn* to take a nap." I said, closing my eye.

"Wait, first I need your number!"

"Ok, fine but why now?"

"Well i think it's too frantic when we land so now is the better option."

"Ok" i said handing him my phone to put my contact info in.

As soon as he handed my phone back i fell straight asleep.

I woke up to the pilot saying over the speaker " We will be landing in Korea shorty."

I shot up. "You ok? You looked like you just got scared." Namjoon said.

"Yeah, i'm absolutely fine. The announcement just scared me" I replied.

I rubbed my eyes and put my seat in the 'upright position' and all the things you have to do before landing. We started our descent to the airport. "Ugh, I hate this part of flights, my ears always pop." I ground.

"Really, I love it, it's like i'm on a roller coaster!" He said.

"Well i absolutely hate roller coasters, it's not like i'm afraid don't get me wrong, it's just the feeling of it i don't like."

"That's understandable." He replied.

Once we landed Namjoon stood up. He held out his hand to help me stand up because my legs were feeling funny because of the long ass flight. I happily took his hand a stood up to the best of my abilities. I got out of my seat, grabbed my carry on, and headed out of the plane. I was walking to the exit of the airport when someone stopped me. I was Namjoon. "Hey are you free tomorrow?"

"Not really, I have to unpack and all my furniture is coming so I have to take care of all that." I said disappointed, he was a good person to hang around.

"Oh! I could help you unpack and build your furnisher!" He insisted.

"Don't you have work or something?" I asked.

"Nope! We have the week off." He said.

"If you really want to."

"Text me your address when you get to your apartment." He instructed.

"Ok, will do. See yah then"

"Is eleven a good time?"

"Yup, gotta go, bye"

"Bye to you too."

After we said our goodbyes we went our separate ways." I hailed a taxi and told them my address. When i got to my apartment i sighed. The only furniture that was in the small one bed one bath apartment was the bed. I put my sheets on the bed and put a big comforter on it. I fell on top of the bed, today was a really long day. It was about seven so i decided to go and get food. I ordered pizza and waited for it to arrive. When It arrived I gobbled it up in a very short time. My phone buzzed, Namjoon was video calling me. When I accepted the call i saw two guys behind him. "Sup" he said.

"Nothing really, you?"

"I told the guys bout you and they wanted to meet you. The two guys behind me are jin and jungkook." they both said hi.

"Hi, i was just about to go and get food so this is a bad time." I admitted.

"Oh,sorry, see you tomorrow! Byea"

"Bye" I said back.

After i hung up I went out to go and get food. I came back with enough food for me for about two weeks, it was hard carrying all the food from the store to my apartment with my week arms. I put everything away and went to sleep.

Eighteen (Namjoon x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now