New Year, New Friends

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~~This is Haruhi Hokusai~~

Haruhi walked up the cobblestone pathway towards Winfrey Academy. This year, Haruhi and her friends were Juniors. 'I wonder how much everyone has changed over the summer.' Haruhi thought to herself. All of a sudden, she could here a faint shout from behind. She looked behind her and smiled. 'Oh my god... Is that-?'

"HAAARUUUHIIII!!!!" The figure yelled as it attacked her into a huge hug. Haruhi looked up and noticed a glimpse of familiar dark ask color and quickly hugged back.

"Yui! God I've missed you so much! Look at you!" Haruhi yelled as she pulled away. She looked at Yui who looked as if she had grown a lot over the summer. Yui's hair had been cut again except this time it looked pretty recent, her eyes were as red as ever, she had gotten about three inches taller, and looked like she finally made it to a C-cup. Yui laughed as she messed with one of her pigtails.

"Thank you." She replied as a blush of embarrassment crossed her face.

"How was Europe?! Was it fun?!" Haruhi asked as she grasped Yui's shoulders and shook her slightly.

"It was alright..." A look of happiness crossed her face. "I met a really cute guy and after about a week we started going out. But after awhile, he tried getting me to do something with him and I said no. So he dumped me and went straight for the next girl he could. That relationship caused me to finally realize something."

"What?" Haruhi asked getting even more curious to know what her friend was going to say.

"I realized that I'm a lesbian." She replied with a genuine smile.


"I'm into girls." She said as she looked at Haruhi as if she was a baka.

"Well I know that! But why?!" Haruhi asked as she looked shocked and took a few steps away from Yui.

"Uh... Because, I can be." She replied. She was about to say something else until someone walked toward them.

"Hi." The person greeted as she moved a strand of her pink hair behind her ear.

"M-Miyuki! Hi i-its nice to... Uh... See y-you." Yui replied as her cheeks turned a red darker than her eyes.

"O-oh hi, Yui." Miyuki replied as her face turned fifty shades of red.

"Wait a minute. Wait a gosh darned minute. Are you two?!" Haruhi asked as her face turned red. She was about to say something until an arm wrapped itself around her shoulder.

"Yes they're a couple. As of yesterday I think." The person answered. The person leaned down to Haruhi's cheek and quickly kissed it. Haruhi realized who it was just by that simple action.

"Osamu...!" Haruhi yelled as she slapped him across the face. A looked of anger crossed her face. "I thought I told you that I just wanted us to be friends! Nothing more!" He looked at her for a second and then a smirk crossed his face.

"And I told you that that wasn't going to stop me. I'm not giving up, Haruhi."

"You guys have been friends since Pre-K. I understand why. She doesn't want to mess that friendship up." Miyuki stated as a light smile appeared on her lips.

"Well, I think thats where we disagree, pumpkin." Yui claimed as she turned to her girlfriend with a look of determination crossed her face. "I think that if they're friendship lasted this long she should at least give the poor boy a chance like you did me."

"Are we seriously gonna go threw this argument again?" A voice asked. Everyone looked in that direction and saw Osamu's twin sister, Rika.

"Hey Rika." Miyuki greeted as she waved. Rika started to walk away again which caused a look of confusion to cross everyones faces.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2016 ⏰

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