Dorian and Krem's help

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Tears streamed down my face and onto the table in the library. I came up there hoping to find Dorian but he once again was gone. I put my head on the palm of my hand and let the tears keep going. "Mariah? What are you doing up so late?" Dorian asked going around in front of me "Aren't you suppose to-" he stopped when he saw the tears going down my cheeks. I looked towards the bookshelf and closed my eyes "I didn't want to sleep" he sat down "What happened?" He asked and I sighed "Solas is what happened" he raised a brow "again?" I shot a hateful glare towards him and he sighed "What did he do?" He asked and I looked at him "Told me awful news and then just.... left me there"
Dorian's eyes saddened and he wiped the new tears going down my face "And your tattoos? What happened to them?" He asked and I looked down "Solas used a spell to remove them, I told him to though" I said when I saw him tense up. He relaxed and sighed "Why is that?" I sighed slightly "I... Don't want to get into it right now" I said and he nodded "I understand. Do you want me to speak to him and ask him why he just left you?" He asked and I shook my head "Please don't. I don't want to make him more upset than he was last night" he nods "Well" he got up off his seat and offered his hand to me. I looked at him confused but took his hand anyways "You seem like you need a drink" I smiled slightly "Thanks Dorian."
We went into the tavern and Krem looked over at us. I could tell he saw I was upset when he shot up out of the chair he was sitting in and walking towards us. We all sat at a table and I was swirling my drink around "Mariah are you ok?" He asked and I shrugged "Honestly, no" I said and he frowned "What happened?" Dorian looked at me and I sighed "Long story short, heard some awful news from Solas on our walk than after he got rid of my tattoos" I motioned towards my face "He just left" Krem's eyes widened slightly "And he didn't tell you why?" I shook my head "All he said was 'We can't do this. Please just go'" I looked at him and he sighed "What is wrong with him?" He mumbled under his breath but it was loud enough for me to hear.
I shrugged and stopped moving my drink around. Honestly I don't think I can drink anything or eat. I just want to lock myself in a room or go back home to my clan and get away from people or Solas in general. I sighed loudly, not meaning too and Dorian looked at me "Mariah how bad is this upsetting you?" He asked and I looked over at him. What the hell kind of question is that? I roll my eyes and looked back the drink that was in front of me "Badly...." I say and he nods "Well, you should leave, go to Kirkwall or maybe to Storm Coast or something. Solas is an idiot for letting you leave his life and you deserve someone better than that" he said and looked at Krem, a smirk coming to his face "Like Krem."
His face became red and he looked away. I smiled in amusement and giggled "Dorian, really? You're embarrassing him" he laughed "That was the point but anyways you need to get away from the place for a little bit, away from Solas mainly" he said and I nodded "But I can't just leave things this way, I want to talk to him just I can't get the nerves to do it" I said and Krem looks back over, the red from his cheeks disappeared to his natural cheek color. "We could go with you if you want, or just one of us" he said and I nod "Will you guys?" I asked and they nodded. I sighed and got up "Ok but don't come in the room with me, I need to do that alone" they nod and we head to judgement hall.
I turned into the hallway to Solas' room and I took a deep breath. I turned to see Dorian and Krem smiling slightly at me and I walked into the room. Solas was sitting down with a frown plastered onto his face. I stopped only a few feet inside and Dorian gave me a small shove to keep me going. I turned at him, mouthing the word 'asshole' and he shrugged. I sighed and went over to Solas, stopping just shy of his desk. He didn't notice me yet and I tapped his shoulder lightly. He looked up and his frown was gone for a small smile before fading away. "Mariah?" He asked and I nodded "Hey. Um... Can we talk?" I asked and he sighed "If it's about last night then no" I put my hands behind my back and nod "So, you don't want to talk about how you just left me there?" I asked and he frowned again.
"Mariah please don't remind me" he said and got up going to his door that leads out to Cullen's office. I stay where I'm standing and I look over to Dorian and Krem. I sighed and looked over to Solas "Don't remind you? Seriously? You left me there Solas. I'm going to remind you because I want to know why" I say crossing my arms "Why? What did I do to make you not want to be with me? Can I make it up to you? Can I-" he interrupted me with a sigh "You didn't do anything, Mariah. I can't explain why I left and I'm sorry, I know you deserve an answer but I'm not giving it to you" he said and left the room. I grew annoyed and followed after him "Are you kidding me? You can't tell me? What the hell Solas?" I call out after him and he sighs "I'd like to not do this here if you don't mind" with that he went into Cullen's office.

Ugh I don't like this chapter but whatever. I mean it's decent but I want it to get back to the normal length that I did before so I wanted to add a lot more which I wouldn't be able to. Which is fine, I mean I can add it to the next chapter so it's not that bad. Anywho, Solas is a dick, Mariah is pissed, Dorian is being supportive and embarrassing Krem, and Krem is trying to be there for Mariah (how cute!). Next chapter Mariah is going to be cussing a lot so this should be fun to write😂 but have a great day! Bye lovelies💕

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